2013-02-19 48 views

下面的XQuery全文檢索是XML結構 -用字1和NOT字2

    <Name>Doc 1</Name> 
      This is a special note section. 
      <B>This B Tag is used for highlighting any text and is optional</B>   
      <U>This U Tag will underline any text and is optional</U>   
      <I>This I Tag is used for highlighting any text and is optional</I>   
      This will store the general notes and might have number of paragraphs. This is para no 1. NO Child Tags here   
      This is para no 2    
      This is used for Description and might have number of paragraphs. Here too, there will be B, U and I Tags for highlighting the description text and are optional 
      This is description para no 2 with I and U Tags 

將有1000 Doc標籤的。我想給用戶一個搜索條件,他可以在那裏搜索WORD1而不是WORD2。以下是查詢 -

for $x in doc('Documents')/Docs/Doc[Notes/specialNote/text() contains text 'Tom' 
ftand ftnot 'jerry' or 
Notes/specialNote/text() contains text 'Tom' ftand ftnot 'jerry' or 
Notes/specialNote/B/text() contains text 'Tom' ftand ftnot 'jerry' or 
Notes/specialNote/I/text() contains text 'Tom' ftand ftnot 'jerry' or 
Notes/specialNote/U/text() contains text 'Tom' ftand ftnot 'jerry' or 
Notes/generalNote/P/text() contains text 'Tom' ftand ftnot 'jerry' or 
Desc/P/text() contains text 'Tom' ftand ftnot 'jerry' or 
Desc/P/B/text() contains text 'Tom' ftand ftnot 'jerry' or 
Desc/P/I/text() contains text 'Tom' ftand ftnot 'jerry' or 
Desc/P/U/text() contains text 'Tom' ftand ftnot 'jerry'] 
return $x/Name 

此查詢結果是錯誤的。我的意思是,結果包含Tomjerry的一些文檔。所以我改變了查詢到 -

for $x in doc('Documents')/Docs/Doc[. contains text 'Tom' ftand ftnot 'jerry'] 
return $x/Name 

這個查詢給我的確切結果,即;只有那些Tom和不是jerry的文檔,但是會花費巨大的時間......大約。 45秒,而較早的則需要10秒!

我正在使用BaseX 7.5 XML數據庫。




第一個查詢單獨測試文檔中的每個文本節點,所以<P><B>Tom</B> and <I>Jerry</I></P>會匹配,因爲第一個文本節點包含湯姆但不傑裏

在第二個查詢中,對Doc元素的所有文本內容都進行全文搜索,就好像它們連接成一個字符串一樣。這不能(當前)通過BaseX's fulltext index來回答,其分別索引每個文本節點。


for $x in (doc('Documents')/Docs/Doc[.//text() contains text 'Tom'] 
      except doc('Documents')/Docs/Doc[.//text() contains text 'Jerry']) 
return $x/Name 


for $x in (db:fulltext("Documents", "Tom")/ancestor::*:Doc 
      except db:fulltext("Documents", "Jerry")/ancestor::*:Doc) 
return $x/Name 

