這裏是代碼,它可能不是那麼漂亮的任何幫助,非常感謝: 事情是,當我把1或0它仍然給我︰有一個錯誤,請重新鍵入你的二進制數。從我的代碼
binary = raw_input("What Binary up to 8-bits would you like to use?")
if len(binary) <= 8:
for b in range(1,len(binary)+1):
if b ==2 or b==3 or b==4 or b==5 or b==6 or b==7 or b==8 or b==9:
print "**There is an error please re-type your binary number. (one's and zero's)**"
print "Your code is too long! it needs to be 8 or less characters to
python已經具有這種內建 - 你可以使用任何你想要的基礎將字符串轉換爲整數。例如,二進制的int(user_input,2)。看看這裏:https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#int – user2839978
@MooingRawr不,OP不會比較二進制。 –
如果'if'語句可以更簡單地寫爲'if 2 <= b <= 9:'' – Barmar