2009-07-04 18 views





$x_labels = new x_axis_labels(); 

// Set the defaults 

$x_labels->set_steps(2); // show every other label 

$tmp = array(); 

// these labels will inherit their properties from $x_labels 
// including 'visible' from the 'steps' value (which, for 
// this example is 2) I have noted the inherited visible 
// status for each item: 

$tmp[] = 'one';   // visible 
$tmp[] = 'two';   // invisible 
$tmp[] = 'three';  // visible 
$tmp[] = 'four';  // invisible 
$tmp[] = 'five';  // visible 

// these will override some or all of the 
// inherited properties 

$tmp[] = new x_axis_label('six', '#0000FF', 30, 270); // invisible 
$tmp[] = new x_axis_label('seven', '#0000FF', 30, 270); // visible 
$eight = new x_axis_label('eight', '#8C773E', 16, 315); // would be invisible, but: 
$eight->set_visible(); // <-- FORCE this label visible 
$tmp[] = $eight; 
$tmp[] = new x_axis_label('nine', '#2683CF', 16, 0); // visible 

// add the labels to the X Axis Labels object 

A similar example for the Y-axis
