2016-02-14 63 views

應該很簡單,但找不到問題。gulp-nodemon + browser-sync:在服務器端代碼發生更改後,應用程序不會重新加載


我運行使用DEBUG=appName:* node ./bin/www & gulp


// Simple task to update our views // 

var gulp = require('gulp'); 
var nodemon = require('gulp-nodemon'); 
var browserSync = require('browser-sync'); 

// the real stuff 
gulp.task('default', ['browser-sync'], function() { 
\t gulp.watch('./views/**/*.jade', browserSync.reload); 
\t gulp.watch(['./routes/**/*.js', './bin/www', './app.js'], ['bs-reload-delay']); 

// our browser-sync config + nodemon chain 
gulp.task('browser-sync', ['nodemon'], function() { 
\t browserSync.init(null, { 
\t \t proxy: "http://localhost:3000", 
     files: ["public/**/*.*"], 
     browser: "chromium-browser", 
     port: 4000, 
\t }); 

// our delayed reload for our server side js 
gulp.task('bs-reload-delay', function() { 
    setTimeout(function() { 
    browserSync.reload({ stream: false }); 
    }, 800); 

// our gulp-nodemon task 
gulp.task('nodemon', function (cb) { 
\t var started = false; 
\t return nodemon({ 
\t \t script: './app.js', 
\t \t ext: 'js', 
\t \t task: ['bs-reload-delay'] 
\t }).on('start', function() { 
\t \t // to avoid nodemon being started multiple times 
\t \t if (!started) { 
\t \t \t cb(); 
\t \t \t started = true; 
\t \t } 
\t }).on('crash', function() { 
\t \t console.log('nodemon.crash'); 
\t }).on('restart', function() { 
\t \t console.log('nodemon.restart'); 
\t }); 


├── app.js 
├── bin 
│   └── www 
├── config.js 
├── Gulpfile.js 
├── npm-debug.log 
├── package.json 
├── public 
│   ├── css 
│   │   └── style.css 
│   ├── favicon.ico 
│   ├── img 
│   └── js 
│    └── front-client.js 
├── readme.md 
├── routes 
│   ├── client.js 
│   ├── fire.js 
│   └── game.js 
└── views 
    ├── client.jade 
    ├── error.jade 
    └── _layout.jade



好吧,算了一下。也許這可能對別人有用。問題是由吞噬文件和我如何啓動我的應用造成的:DEBUG=appName:* node ./bin/www & gulp

gulp-nodemon 已經在gulp中啓動我的應用程序,因此不需要在gulp之前調用節點。另外,我現在使用env屬性來傳遞我的DEBUG & NODE_ENV變量。現在,要在開發模式下啓動我的應用程序,我只需運行gulp。這裏是我的Gulpfile.js

// Simple task to update our views // 

var gulp = require('gulp'); 
var nodemon = require('gulp-nodemon'); 
var bs = require('browser-sync').create(); 

// our browser-sync config + nodemon chain 
gulp.task('browser-sync', ['nodemon'], function() { 
\t bs.init(null, { 
\t \t proxy: "http://localhost:3000", 
\t \t browser: "chromium-browser", 
\t \t port: 4000, 
\t }); 

// the real stuff 
gulp.task('default', ['browser-sync'], function() { 
\t gulp.watch('./views/**/*.jade', bs.reload); 
\t gulp.watch('./public/**/*.js', bs.reload); 
\t gulp.watch('./public/**/*.css', bs.reload); 
\t gulp.watch(['./routes/**/*.js', './app.js', './bin/www'], ['bs-delay']); 

// give nodemon time to restart 
gulp.task('bs-delay', function() { 
    setTimeout(function() { 
    bs.reload({ stream: false }); 
    }, 1000); 

// our gulp-nodemon task 
gulp.task('nodemon', function (cb) { 
\t var started = false; 
\t return nodemon({ 
\t \t script: './bin/www', 
\t \t ext: 'js', 
\t \t ignore: ['public/**/*.js'], 
\t \t env: { 
\t \t \t 'NODE_ENV': 'development', 
\t \t \t 'DEBUG': 'appname:*' 
\t } 
\t }).on('start', function() { 
\t \t //avoid nodemon being started multiple times 
\t \t if (!started) { 
\t \t \t cb(); 
\t \t \t started = true; 
\t \t } 
\t }) 
\t .on('crash', function() { 
\t \t // console.log('nodemon.crash'); 
\t }) 
\t .on('restart', function() { 
\t \t // console.log('nodemon.restart'); 
\t }) 
\t .once('quit', function() { 
\t \t // handle ctrl+c without a big weep 
\t \t process.exit(); 
\t }); 
