我想添加jquery添加到應用程序的功能。我試圖按照這jquery website。 我將腳本附加到我的網站上,並且還在my website中放置了jquery站點中提到的example2的div。但我的網站仍然沒有顯示jquery Timepicker example2。我會非常感謝幫助。謝謝將jquery timepicker添加到網站
編輯: 我已經添加了代碼,但它仍然無法正常工作。這裏是script.js
/* The following code is executed once the DOM is loaded */
axis : 'y', // Only vertical movements allowed
containment : 'window', // Constrained by the window
update : function(){ // The function is called after the todos are rearranged
// The toArray method returns an array with the ids of the todos
var arr = $(".todoList").sortable('toArray');
// Striping the todo- prefix of the ids:
arr = $.map(arr,function(val,key){
return val.replace('todo-','');
// Saving with AJAX
/* Opera fix: */
stop: function(e,ui) {
// A global variable, holding a jQuery object
// containing the current todo item:
var currentTODO;
// Configuring the delete confirmation dialog
resizable: false,
modal: true,
buttons: {
'Delete item': function() {
Cancel: function() {
// When a double click occurs, just simulate a click on the edit button:
// If any link in the todo is clicked, assign
// the todo item to the currentTODO variable for later use.
$('.todo a').live('click',function(e){
currentTODO = $(this).closest('.todo');
// Listening for a click on a delete button:
$('.todo a.delete').live('click',function(){
// Listening for a click on a edit button
$('.todo a.edit').live('click',function(){
var container = currentTODO.find('.text');
// Saving the current value of the ToDo so we can
// restore it later if the user discards the changes:
// This will block the edit button if the edit box is already open:
return false;
$('<input type="text">').val(container.text()).appendTo(container.empty());
// Appending the save and cancel links:
'<div class="editTodo">'+
'<a class="saveChanges" href="#">Save</a> or <a class="discardChanges" href="#">Cancel</a>'+
// The cancel edit link:
$('.todo a.discardChanges').live('click',function(){
// The save changes link:
$('.todo a.saveChanges').live('click',function(){
var text = currentTODO.find("input[type=text]").val();
// The Add New ToDo button:
var timestamp=0;
// Only one todo per 5 seconds is allowed:
if((new Date()).getTime() - timestamp<5000) return false;
$.get("ajax.php",{'action':'new','text':'New Todo Item. Doubleclick to Edit.','rand':Math.random()},function(msg){
// Appending the new todo and fading it into view:
// Updating the timestamp:
timestamp = (new Date()).getTime();
//for box that asks for date and time
ampm: true
}); // Closing $(document).ready()
您是否這樣做過: $('#example1')。datetimepicker(); 你能發表更多的代碼嗎? – Alytrem 2012-03-19 16:59:12
是的,請發佈您嘗試使用的所有javascript和html代碼以使其工作。 – Milimetric 2012-03-19 17:02:18
@Alytrem:不是。jquery文件不應該有這個代碼嗎? – 2012-03-19 17:02:30