您可以使用命名範圍。 (突出顯示單元格區域,右鍵單擊,定義名稱...)如果在範圍內添加了行或列,範圍邊界將自動更新。 然後,在你的代碼,
Dim rangeName
rangeName = "Status Report" 'Or whatever name you gave the range.
Application.Goto Reference:=rangeName 'This will also select the range of cells.
mainworkbook.Sheets("Archive Execution").Paste
Public Sub test()
Call Copy_Detail_Rows("Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Status_Report")
End Sub
Private Sub Copy_Detail_Rows(sourceWorksheet, targetWorksheet, rangeName)
' Copy_Detail_Rows Macro
' Copy the detail rows using rangeName from the source worksheet to the target worksheet.
' See Formulas tab, Name Manager to manage named ranges.
'First, check to ensure that the source and target worksheets exist.
On Error GoTo SourceWorksheetErrorHandler
Sheets(sourceWorksheet).Select 'Go to the source worksheet.
On Error GoTo 0 'Reset default error handling.
On Error GoTo TargetWorksheetErrorHandler
Sheets(targetWorksheet).Select 'Go to the target worksheet.
On Error GoTo 0 'Reset default error handling.
'Delete any existing data in the target range.
On Error GoTo TargetReferenceErrorHandler
Application.Goto Reference:=rangeName 'This will also select the range of cells.
On Error GoTo 0 'Reset default error handling.
selection.ClearContents 'Cannot use Selection.Delete because it will wipe out the rangeName.
Sheets(sourceWorksheet).Select 'Go to the source worksheet.
On Error GoTo SourceReferenceErrorHandler
Application.Goto Reference:=rangeName 'This will also select the range of cells.
On Error GoTo 0 'Reset default error handling.
Sheets(targetWorksheet).Select 'Go to the target worksheet.
On Error GoTo TargetReferenceErrorHandler
Application.Goto Reference:=rangeName 'This will also select the range of cells.
On Error GoTo 0 'Reset default error handling.
selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Exit Sub 'Skip the error handlers below.
On Error GoTo 0 'Reset default error handling.
Call WorksheetErrorHandlerMessage(sourceWorksheet, "copied from")
Err.Raise 1001, "Module1::Copy_Detail_Rows()", "Unable to locate the source worksheet."
'Uncomment one of the following lines as needed.
'Resume 0 'Resumes with line that caused the error.
'Resume Next 'Resumes with line following the line which caused the error.
'Resume <line number or label> 'Resumes with line number or label provided.
Exit Sub
On Error GoTo 0 'Reset default error handling.
Call WorksheetErrorHandlerMessage(targetWorksheet, "copied to")
Err.Raise 1002, "Module1::Copy_Detail_Rows()", "Unable to locate the target worksheet."
Exit Sub
On Error GoTo 0 'Reset default error handling.
Call ReferenceErrorHandlerMessage(sourceWorksheet, rangeName, "copied from")
Err.Raise 1003, "Module1::Copy_Detail_Rows()", "Unable to locate the source range."
Exit Sub
On Error GoTo 0 'Reset default error handling.
Call ReferenceErrorHandlerMessage(targetWorksheet, rangeName, "copied to")
Err.Raise 1004, "Module1::Copy_Detail_Rows()", "Unable to locate the target range."
Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub WorksheetErrorHandlerMessage(worksheetName, operation)
MsgBox ("Cannot locate the worksheet: " & worksheetName & "." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
& "Please select the worksheet where you want the detail rows " & operation _
& " and name it: " & worksheetName & "." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
& "Select the range of cells to be used for copy operation and run the macro, " _
& "Create_Range_Name_For_Current_Selection." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
& "Then you can re-run this macro. (Press Alt-F8 to view the macro menu.)" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
& "Note: The range selection on the source worksheet can be multiple groups of cells, " _
& "but the destination range on the target should be a single cell or row." _
End Sub
Private Sub ReferenceErrorHandlerMessage(worksheetName, rangeName, operation)
MsgBox ("Cannot locate the range: " & rangeName & " on sheet: " & worksheetName & "." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
& "Please select the cell(s) where you want the detail rows " & operation & " and run the macro, " _
& "Create_Range_Name_For_Current_Selection." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
& "Then you can re-run this macro. (Press Alt-F8 to view the macro menu.)" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
& "Note: The range selection can be multiple groups of cells." _
End Sub
Private Sub ShowSelectionAttributes()
'If the selection is not contiguous, the row count and column count are from the first block of cells.
MsgBox ("Current selection: " & vbCrLf _
& " Address = " & selection.address() & vbCrLf _
& " AddressLocal = " & selection.AddressLocal() & vbCrLf _
& " Cells.Count = " & selection.Cells.Count() & vbCrLf _
& " Rows.Count = " & selection.Rows.Count() & vbCrLf _
& " Columns.Count = " & selection.Columns.Count() & vbCrLf _
& " First row number = " & selection.row & vbCrLf _
& " Last row number (calculated) = " & (selection.Rows.Count() + selection.row - 1) & vbCrLf _
& " Last row number (from range) = " & Get_Last_Row_Number_From(selection) & vbCrLf _
& " ActiveSheet.Name = " & ActiveSheet.Name() _
End Sub
Sub Create_Range_Name_For_Current_Selection()
' Create the named range based on the current cell selection.
' This does not need to be a contiguous group of cells - it can be
' multiple groups of cells anywhere on the page.
Dim rangeName
rangeName = "Status_Report" 'Consider using a global variable for this.
'Call ShowSelectionAttributes 'Displays a message box. Uncomment this if you want to see some of the attributes.
On Error Resume Next
ActiveSheet.Names(rangeName).Delete 'This just deletes the name, not the data in the range.
On Error GoTo 0 'Reset error handler.
'The RefersTo targetWorksheet name needs to be enclosed in single quotes in case it contains spaces.
ActiveSheet.Names.Add Name:=rangeName, _
RefersTo:="='" & ActiveSheet.Name() & "'!" & selection.address()
'Use the RefersTo format above to pass Row and Column names e.g. "$A$7:$L$340" (Note $ is absolute - w/o $ is relative)
'Use the RefersToR1C1 format below to pass Row and Column number (default format when recording a macro).
'ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Macro_Test").Names.Add Name:="Status_Report_Detail_Rows", _
' RefersToR1C1:="=Macro_Test!R7C1:R340C12"
End Sub
Function Get_Column_Number_For(aColumnName)
'Utility function for converting column names to the corresponding numbers.
'In the Immediate window, ?Get_Column_Number_For("AZ") should return 52.
Get_Column_Number_For = Range(aColumnName & 1).Column 'Get column number from the cell at aColumnName and row number 1.
End Function
Function Get_Column_Name_For(aColumnNumber)
'Return the column name (letter(s)) corresponding to this column number.
'Use the cell at row 1, aColumnNumber to get the column name.
'In the Immediate window, ?Get_Column_Name_For(52) should return AZ.
Get_Column_Name_For = Get_First_Column_Name_From(Cells(1, aColumnNumber))
End Function
Function Get_First_Column_Name_From(aRange)
'Return the column name (letter(s)) from the first cell in aRange.
'The range does not need to be contiguous. It can also be a single cell. Note that the first
'cell in a range may not be the furthest cell to the left. Cells selected by using the Ctrl key
'are listed in the order of selection.
'Get the column name for the current selection by calling Get_First_Column_Name_From(selection)
Get_First_Column_Name_From = Get_First_Column_Name_From_Address(Cells(aRange.row, aRange.Column).address)
End Function
Function Get_First_Column_Name_From_Address(aRangeAddress)
Get_First_Column_Name_From_Address = Split(aRangeAddress, "$")(1) 'Get the first element of the array.
End Function
Function Get_Last_Column_Name_From(aRange)
Get_Last_Column_Name_From = Get_Last_Column_Name_From_Address(aRange.address)
End Function
Function Get_Last_Column_Name_From_Address(aRangeAddress)
'Return the column name (letter(s)) from the last cell in aRange.
'The range does not need to be contiguous. It can also be a single cell. Note that the last
'cell in a range may not be the furthest cell to the right. Cells selected by using the Ctrl key
'are listed in the order of selection.
'Get the column name for the current selection by calling Get_Last_Column_Name_From(selection)
Dim rangeArray() As String
Dim rangeCount As Integer
Dim lastRangeGroup As String
Dim lastCellAddress As String
rangeArray = Split(aRangeAddress, ",") 'aRange can contain multiple groups separated by commas.
rangeCount = UBound(rangeArray)
lastRangeGroup = rangeArray(rangeCount)
rangeArray = Split(lastRangeGroup, ":") 'Split the last group on the colon (:) if it exists.
rangeCount = UBound(rangeArray)
lastCellAddress = rangeArray(rangeCount)
Get_Last_Column_Name_From_Address = Split(lastCellAddress, "$")(1) 'Get the first element of the array.
End Function
Function Get_First_Row_Number_From(aRange)
'Returns the row number as a string.
Get_First_Row_Number_From = aRange.row
End Function
Function Get_Last_Row_Number_From(aRange)
'Returns the row number as a string.
Get_Last_Row_Number_From = Get_Last_Row_Number_From_Address(aRange.address)
End Function
Function Get_Last_Row_Number_From_Address(aRangeAddress)
'Returns the row number as a string.
'We can't just add the first row to the row count because the range may not be contiguous.
'If the selection is not contiguous, the row count and column count are from the first block of cells.
'See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff195745(v=office.15).aspx for info on Areas.Count.
'Return the number from the last cell in aRange.
'The range does not need to be contiguous. It can also be a single cell. Note that the last
'cell in a range may not be the furthest cell to the bottom/right. Cells selected by using the Ctrl key
'are listed in the order of selection.
'Get the last row number for the current selection by calling Get_Last_Row_Number_From(selection)
Dim rangeArray() As String
Dim rangeCount As Integer
Dim lastRangeGroup As String
Dim lastCellAddress As String
rangeArray = Split(aRangeAddress, ",") 'aRange can contain multiple groups separated by commas.
rangeCount = UBound(rangeArray)
lastRangeGroup = rangeArray(rangeCount)
rangeArray = Split(lastRangeGroup, ":") 'Split the last group on the colon (:) if it exists.
rangeCount = UBound(rangeArray)
lastCellAddress = rangeArray(rangeCount)
Get_Last_Row_Number_From_Address = Split(lastCellAddress, "$")(2) 'Get the second element of the array.
'Note: It's really the third element because
'there are two $ signs and it's a zero-based index.
End Function
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什麼導致單元格範圍發生變化? –
子Archive_Data() 昏暗mainworkbook作爲工作簿 設置mainworkbook = ActiveWorkbook mainworkbook.Sheets( 「狀態報告(執行)」)範圍。( 「B17:AB56」)複製 mainworkbook.Sheets( 「存檔執行」) .Paste End Sub –