2016-02-26 76 views


#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <ctype.h> 
#define __USE_BSD 
#include <string.h> 

#include "speller.h" 
#include "dict.h" 

typedef struct node *tree_ptr; 
struct node { 
    Key_Type element; // only data is the key itself 
    tree_ptr left, right; 
    // add anything else that you need 

struct table { 
    tree_ptr head; // points to the head of the tree 
    // add anything else that you need 

Table initialize_table(/*ignore parameter*/) { 
    Table newTable = malloc(sizeof(Table)); 
    newTable->head = NULL; 
    return newTable; 

void insert_again(Key_Type key, tree_ptr node) { 
    Key_Type currentKey = node->element; 
    //printf("%s\n%s", currentKey, key); 
    int keyCompare = strcmp(key, currentKey); 
    // Move to the left node. 
    if (keyCompare < 0) { 
     //printf("%s\n%s", currentKey, key); 
     // If left node is empty, create a new node. 
     if (node->left == NULL) { 
      tree_ptr newPtr = malloc(sizeof(tree_ptr)); 
      newPtr->element = key; 
      newPtr->left = NULL; 
      newPtr->right = NULL; 
      node->left = newPtr; 
     } else { 
      insert_again(key, node->left); 
    // Move to the right node. 
    else if (keyCompare > 0) { 
     //printf("%s\n%s", currentKey, key); 
     // If right node is empty, create a new node. 
     if (node->right == NULL) { 
      tree_ptr newPtr = malloc(sizeof(tree_ptr)); 
      newPtr->element = key; 
      newPtr->left = NULL; 
      newPtr->right = NULL; 
      node->right = newPtr; 
     } else { 
      insert_again(key, node->right); 

Table insert(Key_Type key, Table table) { 
    // if it's a new tree. 
    if (table->head == NULL) { 
     tree_ptr headPtr = malloc(sizeof(tree_ptr)); 
     headPtr->element = key; 
     headPtr->left = NULL; 
     headPtr->right = NULL; 
     table->head = headPtr; 
     //printf("%s", table->head->element); 
    // if the tree already exists 
    else { 
     //printf("%s", table->head->element); 
     insert_again(key, table->head); 
    //printf("%s", table->head->element); 
    return table; 

Boolean find_key(Key_Type key, tree_ptr node) { 
    Key_Type currentKey = node->element; 
    int keyCompare = strcmp(key, currentKey); 
    if (node != NULL) { 
     if (keyCompare == 0) { 
      return TRUE; 
     } else 
     if (keyCompare == -1) { 
      return find_key(key, node->left); 
     } else { 
      return find_key(key, node->right); 
    } else { 
     return FALSE; 

Boolean find(Key_Type key, Table table) { 
    return find_key(key, table->head); 

void print_tree(tree_ptr node) { 
    if (node == NULL) { 
    printf("%s\n", node->element); 

void print_table(Table table) { 

void print_stats(Table table) { 

哦,那太糟糕了。有cookie嗎?一邊開玩笑,一邊展示一個儘可能小的可編譯程序來展示問題。請讓我們知道您已經嘗試了些什麼。目前這聽起來很像「爲我做這件事」,它不會爲任何人提供教育價值。 – domen


看起來像我以前的一些計算機科學計劃項目。我最好的建議是儘可能避免變得聰明(你可以稍後添加聰明/改寫一次),並且嘗試將代碼與你不確定的代碼分開。用gdb來代碼,應該有所幫助。如果不鼓勵,你可以看看https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/CodingStyle(不要學習如何做事情,但爲了滑稽解脫)。 – Dmitry



您必須搜索空子節點才能將新節點插入樹中。使用指向指針的指針來注意空的子節點。除此之外,您必須爲sizeof(struct node)分配內存,而不是像sizof(struct node*)那樣分配內存。關於我可以看到的代碼,該類型的Key_Typechar*。因此,您必須使用strcmp來比較密鑰,並且必須分配內存並將密鑰複製到節點中。

Boolean insert(Key_Type key, Table table) 
    tree_ptr *ppNode = &(table->head); // pointer to pointer to node (struct node **) 
    while (ppNode != NULL) 
     int keyCompare = strcmp(key, (*ppNode)->element); 
     if (keyCompare == 0) 
      return FALSE; // element with key is already member of tree 

     if (keyCompare < 0) 
      ppNode = &((*ppNode)->left); // go to left child 
      ppNode = &((*ppNode)->right); // go to right child 

    // now ppNode is either a pointer to an empty child pointer, 
    // or to table->head if the tree is empty 

    *ppNode = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); // allocate new node right to target 
    (*ppNode)->left = NULL; 
    (*ppNode)->right = NULL; 
    (*ppNode)->element = malloc(strlen(key) + 1); 
    strcpy((*ppNode)->element, key); 

    return TRUE; // new node added successfully 


Boolean find_key(Key_Type key, Table table) 
    tree_ptr pNode = table->head; 
    while (ppNode != NULL) 
     int keyCompare = strcmp(key, pNode->element); 
     if (keyCompare == 0) 
      return TRUE; // element with key was found 

     if (keyCompare < 0) 
      pNode = pNode->left; // go to left child 
      pNode = pNode->right; // go to right child 
    return FALSE; // key is not member of tree 