2011-04-13 76 views

我不是一個程序員,也不是Perl的新手。我目前正在編寫一個腳本來讀取CSV文件,在不同的字段上做一些評估,然後在符合某些標準的情況下打印到另一個文件。我以爲我幾乎完成,但後來我得到這個新的消息:`Usage:Text :: CSV_Xs :: getline(self,io)`是什麼意思?

「用法:文本:: CSV_Xs ::函數getline(個體經營,IO)在date_compare.pl 51行,3行」


#! /usr/local/ActivePerl-5.12/bin/perl 

#this script will check to files, throw them into arrays and compare them 
#to find entries in one array which meet specified criteria 
#$field_file is the name of the file that contains the ablation date first, 
#then the list of compared dates, then the low and high end date criteria, each 
#value should end with a \n. 
#$unfiltered_file is the name of the raw CSV with all the data 
#$output_file is the name of the file the program will write to 
use strict; 
use 5.012; 
use Text::CSV_XS; 
use IO::HANDLE qw/getline/; 
use Date::Calc qw/Decode_Date_US2 Delta_Days/; 

my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new ({ binary => 1, eol => $/ }) or 
    die "Cannot use CSV: ".Text::CSV->error_diag(); 

my ($field_file, 
#Decode_Date_US2 scans a string and tries to parse any date within. 
#Delta_Days returns the difference in days between the two given dates. 
#$Dd = Delta_Days($year1,$month1,$day1, $year2,$month2,$day2); 
sub days{ 

sub printout{ 
    $csv->print(<OUTPUTF>, $check) or die "$output_file:".$csv->error_diag(); 

print "\nEnter the check list file name: "; 
chomp ($field_file = <STDIN>); 
open FIELDF, "<", $field_file or die "$field_file: $!"; 
chomp (@field_list=<$field_file>); 
close FIELDF or die "$field_file: $!"; 
print "\nEnter the raw CSV file name: "; 
chomp ($unfiltered_file = <STDIN>); 
print "\nEnter the output file name : "; 
chomp ($output_file = <STDIN>); 
open OUTPUTF, ">>", $output_file or die "$output_file: $!"; 
open RAWF, "<", $unfiltered_file or die "$unfiltered_file: $!"; 
if ($hash_keys = $csv->getline(<RAWF>)){ 
    $check = $hash_keys; 
}else{die "\$hash_keys: ".$csv->error_diag();} 

while ($check = $csv->getline (<RAWF>)){ 
    @compare{@$hash_keys}[email protected]$check;  
    TEST: for ($i=1, $i==(@field_list-3), $i++){ 
     if (&days()>=$field_list[-2] && &days()<=$field_list[-1]){ 
      last TEST if (&printout()); 


Usage: Text::CSV_Xs::getline(self, io) at date_compare.pl line 51, line 3. 

getline顯然期望一個文件句柄/ IO ::處理,而你傳遞一個標量(包含從文件句柄讀取線)。


if ($hash_keys = $csv->getline(<RAWF>)){ 


if ($hash_keys = $csv->getline(\*RAWF)){ 



open FIELDF, "<", $field_file or die "$field_file: $!"; 
chomp (@field_list=<$field_file>);  # Not sure how you expect this to work 
close FIELDF or die "$field_file: $!"; 


open my $fieldf, "<", $field_file or die "$field_file: $!"; 
chomp (@field_list=<$fieldf>); 
close $fieldf or die "$field_file: $!"; 

'\ * RAWF',但'* RAWF'和'RAWF'也工作。 – ikegami 2011-04-14 01:01:45


乾杯,謝謝。更新。 – 2011-04-14 02:11:57