我試圖寫生成1 3的情況下,簡單的C程序:如何檢查一個整數中相同的數字而不使用數組?
- 沒有相鄰數字的相同的整數。
- 具有一對相同的相鄰數字的整數。
- 一個具有相同相鄰數字的單個三重奏的整數。
int getOption() //retrieves the option entered by the user
int option;
printf("\nEnter desired option: ");
scanf("%d", &option);
if (option <= 0 || option > 3)
printf("\nError! Invalid option selected!!\n");
}while(option <= 0 || option > 3);
int getStart() //retrieves the starting integer value entered by the user
int startValue;
printf("\nEnter starting integer: ");
scanf("%d", &startValue);
if (startValue <= 0)
printf("\nError! Non-negative values only!!\n");
}while(startValue <= 0);
int checkSame(int startValue); //checks if the user-given integer has any pairs of same adjecent digits.
int counter;
int sameAdjacent = 0;
while (sameAdjacent < 1)
while(startValue > 0)
startValue = startValue % 10;
for(startValue; startValue > 0; startValue/10)
1. No adjacent digits the same.
2. A single pair of adjacent digits the same.
3. A single trio of adjacent digits the same.
Enter desired option: 1
Enter starting integer: 1222
Next larger value with no two adjacent digits the same is 1230.
1. No adjacent digits the same.
2. A single pair of adjacent digits the same.
3. A single trio of adjacent digits the same.
Enter desired option: 2
Enter starting integer: 133300
Next larger value with only a single pair of digits the same is 133401.
1. No adjacent digits the same.
2. A single pair of adjacent digits the same.
3. A single trio of adjacent digits the same.
Enter desired option: 3
Enter starting integer: 123456
Next larger value with only a single trio of digits the same is 123555.
作爲除很好的答案,只需注意_「x的最後一個10位數字」也被稱爲_「最不重要的數字」_。 – Ziezi
謝謝你的提示。這是我的合作伙伴和我想到的方法,我們似乎無法將其轉換爲代碼。 –
@MichaelWendel:好的,我發佈了一個更明確的解決方案。你現在能看到如何去做剩下的事嗎? –