2013-10-15 70 views

我對web開發非常陌生,因此尋找一些幫助來了解如何解決我在Bootstrap和AngularJS。Bootstrap 2.x旋轉木馬幻燈片和ui.bootstrap(angularjs)不能一起工作


<section id="carouselSection" style="text-align: center"> 
<div id="myCarousel" class="carousel slide" > 
    <div class="carousel-inner"> 
     <div style="text-align:center" class="item active"> 
      <div class="wrapper"><img src="content/sarakutheme/themes/images/carousel/business_website_templates_1.jpg" alt="business webebsite template"> 
      <div class="carousel-caption"> 
       <h2>What we do?</h2> 
       <p>We specialise in web design, web development and graphic design for different Desktop, Mobiles and Tablets. We recently introduce cheapest and best mobile web design packages in our services. </p> 
       <a href="services.html" class="btn btn-large btn-success">Read more</a> 
     <div style="text-align:center" class="item"> 
      <div class="wrapper"><img src="content/sarakutheme/themes/images/carousel/business_website_templates_2.jpg" alt="business themes"> 
      <div class="carousel-caption"> 
       <h2>Who we are?</h2> 
       <p>We specialise in web design, web development and graphic design for different Desktop, Mobiles and Tablets. We recently introduce cheapest and best mobile web design packages in our services. </p> 
       <a href="about_us.html" class="btn btn-large btn-success">Read more</a> 
     <div style="text-align:center" class="item"> 
      <div class="wrapper"><img src="content/sarakutheme/themes/images/carousel/business_website_templates_3.jpg" alt="business themes"> 
      <div class="carousel-caption"> 
       <h2>What we have done?</h2> 
       <p>We specialise in web design, web development and graphic design for different Desktop, Mobiles and Tablets. We recently introduce cheapest and best mobile web design packages in our services. </p> 
       <a href="portfolio.html" class="btn btn-large btn-success">Our Portfolio</a> 
     <div style="text-align:center" class="item"> 
      <div class="wrapper"><img src="content/sarakutheme/themes/images/carousel/business_website_templates_4.jpg" alt="business themes"> 
      <div class="carousel-caption"> 
       <p>We specialise in web design, web development and graphic design for different Desktop, Mobiles and Tablets. We recently introduce cheapest and best mobile web design packages in our services. </p> 
       <a href="blog.html" class="btn btn-large btn-success">Recent NEWS</a> 
     <div style="text-align:center" class="item"> 
      <div class="wrapper"><img src="content/sarakutheme/themes/images/carousel/business_website_templates_5.jpg" alt="business themes"> 
      <div class="carousel-caption"> 
       <h2>Need help?</h2> 
       <p>We specialise in web design, web development and graphic design for different Desktop, Mobiles and Tablets. We recently introduce cheapest and best mobile web design packages in our services. </p> 
       <a href="contact.html" class="btn btn-large btn-success">Contact us</a> 
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var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []); 


var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ["ui.bootstrap"]); 





<div ng-class="{ 
'active': leaving || (active &amp;&amp; !entering), 
'prev': (next || active) &amp;&amp; direction=='prev', 
'next': (next || active) &amp;&amp; direction=='next', 
'right': direction=='prev', 
'left': direction=='next' 

}」 class="right carousel-control item" ng-transclude="" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="next"><span class="ng-scope">&gt;</span></div>


問候 基蘭


你可以發佈一個plunkr嗎? – lort


是的,很難說沒有最低限度的重現情況下更多.... –


我已經更新了我的文章並提供了更多信息。 – Kiran




<a class="right carousel-control ng-non-bindable" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="next">&rsaquo;</a> 

