// Compatibility for WC 3+ and automation enhancements
add_action('woocommerce_shop_loop_item_title', 'custom_attributes_display', 20);
function custom_attributes_display(){
global $product;
// Just for simple products
if(! $product->is_type('simple')) return;
$loop_count = 0;
echo '<div>';
// Get the attributes taxonomy slugs (Updated and dynamic now)
$attributes_taxonomy = $product->get_attributes();
// OR set an indexed array of taxonomy slug (key) and name (value) to chose which ones, like:
// $attributes_taxonomy = array('pa_nopeus' => 'Nopeus', 'pa_liito' => 'Liito, 'pa_vakaus' => 'Vaukaus');
foreach($attributes_taxonomy as $taxonomy => $attribute) {
// Getting the term names of an attribute (set in a coma separated string if many values)
$attribute_terms = wp_get_post_terms(get_the_id(), $taxonomy, array('fields' => 'names'));
$terms_string = implode(',', $attribute_terms);
// Displays only if attribute exist for the product
if(count($attribute_terms) > 0){ // Updated
echo $terms_string;
// Separating each number by a " | " (Updated and dynamic now)
$attr_count = count($attributes_taxonomy);
if($loop_count < $attr_count && $attr_count > 1) echo ' | ';
echo '</div>';
更新對於WooCommerce 3.0以上版本而已。
// For WooCommerce Version 3.0+ (only)
add_action('woocommerce_shop_loop_item_title', 'custom_attributes_display', 20);
function custom_attributes_display(){
// Just for product category archives pages
global $product;
// the array of attributes names
$attribute_names = array('pa_nopeus', 'pa_liito', 'pa_vakaus', 'pa_feidi');
foreach($attribute_names as $key => $attribute_name) {
// For WooCommerce version 3.0+
$product_id = $product->get_id(); // WC 3.0+
// Getting the value of an attribute (OK for WC 3.0+)
$wc_term = wc_get_product_terms($product_id, $attribute_name);
$attribute_value = array_shift($wc_term);
// Displays only if attribute exist for the product
if(!empty($attribute_value) || '0' == $attribute_value){ // Updated
echo $attribute_value;
// Separating each number by a "/"
if($key < 3) echo '/';
與此相關的答案代碼:Display specific product attribute values on archives category pages
因爲我在PHP中的新手,我ussed一個插件來顯示屬性: 「WooCommerce顯示屬性」,效果不錯 – danieltakeshi