2014-04-11 32 views

任何人都可以引導我正確地使用gist.el編輯現有Gist的文件名。我試過修改gist-edit-current-description來處理文件名修改,但我嘗試的變化沒有奏效。這裏是gist-edit-current-description功能 - 我想編輯的文件名會類似於描述的東西:如何用Emacs中的`gist.el`編輯Gist文件名

(defun gist-edit-current-description() 
    (let* ((id (tabulated-list-get-id)) 
     (gist (gist-list-db-get-gist id)) 
     (old-descr (oref gist :description)) 
     (new-descr (read-from-minibuffer "Description: " old-descr))) 
    (let* ((g (clone gist 
        :files nil 
        :description new-descr)) 
      (api (gist-get-api t)) 
      (resp (gh-gist-edit api g))) 
     (gh-url-add-response-callback resp 
            (lambda (gist) 

這可能有助於給別人的一些想法 - 這是在時間設置文件名的方法吉斯特創作的(它是基於@Jordon比翁預先回答 - https://stackoverflow.com/a/22973794/2112489):

(defun gist-region-with-filename-description (begin end &optional filename description private callback) 
    "Post the current region as a new paste at gist.github.com 
Copies the URL into the kill ring. 
With a prefix argument, makes a private paste." 
    (interactive "r\nsGist Description: \nP") ;; we handle the prompt here! 
    (let* ((file (or (buffer-file-name) (buffer-name))) 
     (name (file-name-nondirectory file)) 
     (ext (or (cdr (assoc major-mode gist-supported-modes-alist)) 
        (file-name-extension file) 
     (fname (if filename filename (concat (file-name-sans-extension name) "." ext))) 
     (files (list 
       (gh-gist-gist-file "file" 
            :filename fname 
            :content (buffer-substring begin end))))) 
    ;; finally we use our new arg to specify the description in the internal call 
    (gist-internal-new files private description callback))) 

(defun gist-buffer-with-filename-description (&optional filename description private) 
    "Post the current buffer as a new paste at gist.github.com. 
Copies the URL into the kill ring. 
With a prefix argument, makes a private paste." 
    (interactive "P") 
    (let* (
     (filename (if filename filename (read-string "Filename: " (buffer-name)))) 
     (description (if description description (read-string "Description: " (buffer-name))))) 
    (gist-region-with-filename-description (point-min) (point-max) filename description private nil))) 

您應該停止盲目猜測,而是閱讀[API文檔](https://developer.github.com/v3/gists/#edit-a-gist)... – lunaryorn


這並不容易完成目前的gist.el. api需要發送一些json,比如「oldfilename:{filename:newfilename}」,但是gist.el總是爲舊的和新的都使用一個文件名。這將需要一些更好的改造。可能會爲一個好項目做出貢獻。除了包含文件列表的gh-gist-gist對象外,它們應該有一個以文件名爲關鍵字的gh-gist-gist-file對象的散列。所以你可以做gist.files [文件名] .filename = newname(但是在lisp中) –


看看函數'gh-gist-gist-file-to-obj',你會看到問題 –
