2017-06-20 274 views





// Function to get Servers and all their information ********************************** 
      service.getHosts = function(AppName){ 
       var HostList = []; 

//intial http call to get the correct hostlist associated with the selected application ************ 
       var promise = $http.get('http://localhost:9000/App/' + AppName); 
         var Data = response.data.recordset; 

//Looping through each host is the recordset to push them into the HostList[] ********************** 
         for (i = 0; i <= Data.length -1; i++){ 
          //variables for the loop  
          var StatusColor = ''; 
          var StatusTextColor = ''; 
          var count = 0; 

//another http call to get the services for each host in the Hostlist ****************************** 
          $http.get('http://localhost:9000/Service/' + Data[i].HostName) 
           var Data2 = response.recordset; 
//looping through the services to see if any of the services have status other than ok (shortstatus != 0) ******** 
           for(i = 0; i<= Data2.length-1; i++){ 
            if(Data2[i].ShortStatus != 0){ 
             count = count + 1; 

//Assigning the status color for each host depending on how many services are not ok (either warning or critical) ************* 
           if (count == 0){ 
            StatusColor ='rgb(255,152,0)'; 
            StatusTextColor = 'black'; 
           }else if (count == 1){ 
            StatusColor ='rgb(255,152,0)'; 
            StatusTextColor = 'white'; 
            StatusColor = 'rgb(244,67,54)'; 
            StatusTextColor = 'white'; 
//Pushing host information and status color to the HostList **********************    
    //       "textcolor":'black' 

       return HostList; 




使用$ q.all並承諾鏈接

service.getHosts = function (AppName) { 
    //returns a http promise 
    return $http.get('http://localhost:9000/App/' + AppName) 
     .then(function (response) { 
      var Data = response.data.recordset; 

      //makes an array of $http promises 
      var promises = Data.map(function (dt) { 
       return $http.get('http://localhost:9000/Service/' + dt.HostName) 
      //executes all the promises in the array simultaneously and returns a single promise object 
      //whose result(response.data) will be an array of all the responses from the promises in the array 
      return $q.all(promises); 
//Call the service method 

    //response.data will have an array of responses for all the inner $http.get calls 
    //you wont still be able to return the data because everything is asynchronous 
    //Populate your data in the $scope here after data massaging 

謝謝!!!!!! –