2016-11-13 19 views


00:11:04 [0] 70-Error: Invalid index command: "/search.asp". 
00:11:04 [0] 70-Error: Invalid index command: "/wingate-internal//boot.ini". 
00:11:04 [0] 70-Error: Invalid index command: "/". 


04:16:46 [8] 70-Error: Action failed - unencrypted communication is not allowed ( "ACTION=GETSTATUS". 
04:14:17 [7] 70-Error: Action failed - unencrypted communication is not allowed ( "ACTION=GETSTATUS". 


17:43:17.370 ExecuterW: 957:Error [2400] DB Matters - addDocToWorklist - doSqlCommand: Error executing SQL statement - CID ed83d1e0d 



/(?:)(?:[^Error\:\ Action\ failed\ \-\ unencrypted\ communication\ is\ not\ allowed]*)(?:[^Error\:\ Invalid\ index\ command\:]*)/m 



你一定要使用正則表達式呢?如果沒有什麼你想要在單獨的組中捕獲的話,如果字符串包含單詞「failed」,例如檢查代碼會更容易。 –


你使用什麼工具或編程語言? – Toto


請不要破壞你的問題。 – Magisch







\ d:指符合個人數字。對於23號,這將匹配2和3作爲單獨的數字,但不能作爲一個數字 \ d +:意味着匹配至少一位數字後跟任意數量的多位數字。它會將23讀作一位數字。 \ s:表示匹配一個空格 \ s +:匹配多個空格,甚至是一個製表符。有些人可能會說,我們可以使用\ t作爲製表符,但製表符是空間的連接,所以在這裏使用了。 []:裝置匹配本方括號 ()內的字符中的任何一個:平均匹配存在於小括號內的所有表達

說明: 你的輸入字符串:

04:16:46 [8] 70-Error: Action failed - unencrypted communication is not allowed ( "ACTION=GETSTATUS".


matches 04:16:46 [8]


matches [8] 70- including the space before[8]


matches till Error: Action failed - unencrypted communication is not allowed ( "ACTION=GETSTATUS".

請注意,在最後的手段上述正則表達式.+允許後和空間比賽的每一件事情別人後面了。 希望澄清。



matches Error: Invalid index command: followed by any string/number/special characters

注:(A | B)匹配表達式a和b,如果兩者都存在否則既符合目前的表達。


@OE是的,它會忽略日期,時間和知識產權,因爲這些輸入文字是普遍化的 –


@OE我認爲您只想排除這兩個: 04:16:46 [8] 70-錯誤:操作失敗 - 不允許未加密的通信(「ACTION = GETSTATUS」。 04:14:17 [7] 70-錯誤:操作失敗 - 不允許未加密的通信(「ACTION = GETSTATUS」。 正則表達式只處理這兩個錯誤。你想通知所有從Error關鍵字開始? –


嗨Shreyas,只是爲了增加,編程語言我需要在基於Java的 –



^(?!.*Error: Invalid index command)(?!.*Error: Action failed - unencrypted communication is not allowed) 


^       : begining of the string 
(?!       : negative lookahead (asserts that the following is not present in the string 
    .*      : 0 or more (*) any character but newline (.) 
    Error: Invalid index command : literally 
)       : end of lookahead 
(?!       : negative lookahead (asserts that the following is not present in the string 
    .*      : 0 or more (*) any character but newline (.) 
    Error: Action failed - unencrypted communication is not allowed : literally 
)       : end of lookahead 

此正則表達式的所有行匹配不包含Error: .........


use Modern::Perl; 

my $re1 = qr/^(?!.*Error: Invalid index command)(?!.*Error: Action failed - unencrypted communication is not allowed)/; 

while(<DATA>) { 
    print if /$re1/; 

17:43:17.370 ExecuterW: 957:Error [2400] DB Matters - addDocToWorklist - doSqlCommand: Error executing SQL statement - CID ed83d1e0d 
00:11:04 [0] 70-Error: Invalid index command: "/search.asp". 
17:43:17.370 ExecuterW: 957:Error [2400] DB Matters - addDocToWorklist - doSqlCommand: Error executing SQL statement - CID ed83d1e0d 
00:11:04 [0] 70-Error: Invalid index command: "/wingate-internal//boot.ini". 
17:43:17.370 ExecuterW: 957:Error [2400] DB Matters - addDocToWorklist - doSqlCommand: Error executing SQL statement - CID ed83d1e0d 
00:11:04 [0] 70-Error: Invalid index command: "/". 
17:43:17.370 ExecuterW: 957:Error [2400] DB Matters - addDocToWorklist - doSqlCommand: Error executing SQL statement - CID ed83d1e0d 
04:16:46 [8] 70-Error: Action failed - unencrypted communication is not allowed ( "ACTION=GETSTATUS". 
17:43:17.370 ExecuterW: 957:Error [2400] DB Matters - addDocToWorklist - doSqlCommand: Error executing SQL statement - CID ed83d1e0d 
04:14:17 [7] 70-Error: Action failed - unencrypted communication is not allowed ( "ACTION=GETSTATUS". 
17:43:17.370 ExecuterW: 957:Error [2400] DB Matters - addDocToWorklist - doSqlCommand: Error executing SQL statement - CID ed83d1e0d 


17:43:17.370 ExecuterW: 957:Error [2400] DB Matters - addDocToWorklist - doSqlCommand: Error executing SQL statement - CID ed83d1e0d 
17:43:17.370 ExecuterW: 957:Error [2400] DB Matters - addDocToWorklist - doSqlCommand: Error executing SQL statement - CID ed83d1e0d 
17:43:17.370 ExecuterW: 957:Error [2400] DB Matters - addDocToWorklist - doSqlCommand: Error executing SQL statement - CID ed83d1e0d 
17:43:17.370 ExecuterW: 957:Error [2400] DB Matters - addDocToWorklist - doSqlCommand: Error executing SQL statement - CID ed83d1e0d 
17:43:17.370 ExecuterW: 957:Error [2400] DB Matters - addDocToWorklist - doSqlCommand: Error executing SQL statement - CID ed83d1e0d 
17:43:17.370 ExecuterW: 957:Error [2400] DB Matters - addDocToWorklist - doSqlCommand: Error executing SQL statement - CID ed83d1e0d 

@ O.E:這正是我的正則表達式所做的。你試過了嗎?我再次問:您使用的是什麼工具或編程語言? – Toto


@ O.E:在java中使用它沒有任何問題。 – Toto


感謝您的確認。我正在使用regex101生成器,當我嘗試使用正則表達式時,出現以下消息:您的正則表達式與主題字符串不匹配。** –