任何人都可以告訴我如何包括淡入淡出影響一旦一個選項卡被點擊? 我玩過FadeIN,但無法使用它。任何幫助深表感謝!添加時尚效果JQuery標籤
enter code here
// Wait until the DOM has loaded before querying the document
enter code here
// For each set of tabs, we want to keep track of
// which tab is active and it's associated content
var $active, $content, $links = $(this).find('a');
// If the location.hash matches one of the links, use that as the active tab.
// If no match is found, use the first link as the initial active tab.
$active = $($links.filter('[href="'+location.hash+'"]')[0] || $links[0]);
$content = $($active.attr('href'));
// Hide the remaining content
$links.not($active).each(function() {
// Bind the click event handler
$(this).on('click', 'a', function(e){
// Make the old tab inactive.
// Update the variables with the new link and content
$active = $(this);
$content = $($(this).attr('href'));
// Make the tab active.
// Prevent the anchor's default click action
你可以用一個例子創建一個http://jsfiddle.net/並在這裏分享嗎? – Trevor