正如我以前的問題:How to stay connected to database until screen close?連接池應該比保持連接打開慢得多嗎?
那麼,我的情況是更新至多百條記錄。我用For loop
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int i;
KeyEventArgs keyEvent = new KeyEventArgs(Keys.Enter); //Create keydown event
Performance perf = new Performance(); //Class for measure time and logging
perf.Start(); //Start stopwatch
for (i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
txtLotNo.Text = i.ToString("0000000000") + "$01"; //Generate input ID
txtLotNo_KeyDown(sender, keyEvent); //Fire keydown event
perf.Stop(); //Stop stopwatch
perf.Log(frmInvCtrl.appPath,"Stock In (Stay connected)- " + frmInvCtrl.instance); //Logging
class Performance
private Stopwatch _sw = new Stopwatch(); //Create stopwatch property
public double GetWatch
return this._sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
public void Start()
public void Stop()
if (_sw.IsRunning)
public void Log(string path,string menu)
string logName = path + "\\Log_" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".txt";
string logDetail = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss") + " - [" + menu + "] "
+ "Process 100 record in [" + (((double)_sw.ElapsedMilliseconds/1000)).ToString() + "] seconds";
using(StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(logName,true))
writer.WriteLine(logDetail); //wirtelog
2017/02/19 08:16:05 - [Stock In - On Cloud] Process 100 record in [68.352] seconds
2017/02/19 08:17:34 - [Stock In - On Cloud] Process 100 record in [70.184] seconds
2017/02/19 08:20:28 - [Stock In - On Cloud] Process 100 record in [56.66] seconds
2017/02/19 08:21:34 - [Stock In - On Cloud] Process 100 record in [60.605] seconds
2017/02/19 08:22:44 - [Stock In - On Cloud] Process 100 record in [68.27] seconds
2017/02/19 08:24:43 - [Stock In - Network Server] Process 100 record in [46.86] seconds
2017/02/19 08:26:05 - [Stock In - Network Server] Process 100 record in [31.746] seconds
2017/02/19 08:26:48 - [Stock In - Network Server] Process 100 record in [31.859] seconds
2017/02/19 08:27:32 - [Stock In - Network Server] Process 100 record in [31.003] seconds
2017/02/19 08:28:17 - [Stock In - Network Server] Process 100 record in [40.487] seconds
2017/02/19 08:32:42 - [Stock In (Stay connected)- On Cloud] Process 100 record in [18.196] seconds
2017/02/19 08:35:47 - [Stock In (Stay connected)- On Cloud] Process 100 record in [14.721] seconds
2017/02/19 08:36:30 - [Stock In (Stay connected)- On Cloud] Process 100 record in [15.903] seconds
2017/02/19 08:37:31 - [Stock In (Stay connected)- On Cloud] Process 100 record in [15.811] seconds
2017/02/19 08:38:15 - [Stock In (Stay connected)- On Cloud] Process 100 record in [16.4] seconds
2017/02/19 08:43:08 - [Stock In (Stay connected)- Network Server] Process 100 record in [13.09] seconds
2017/02/19 08:43:25 - [Stock In (Stay connected)- Network Server] Process 100 record in [13.03] seconds
2017/02/19 08:43:40 - [Stock In (Stay connected)- Network Server] Process 100 record in [13.051] seconds
2017/02/19 08:43:55 - [Stock In (Stay connected)- Network Server] Process 100 record in [12.992] seconds
2017/02/19 08:44:12 - [Stock In (Stay connected)- Network Server] Process 100 record in [14.953] seconds
private void frm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) //Open menu
... //statement
frmMain.sqlConn1 = new SqlConnection();
frmMain.sqlConn1.ConnectionString = frmMain.connectionString1;
... //statement
public static long ScanUpdate(string lotNo)
string scanLotNo = "";
int scanIndex = 0;
if (!SplitBarcode(lotNo, ref scanLotNo, ref scanIndex))
//Invalid Barcode data
return -919;
//Prepare sql command
string updStatus = (frmMain.shelfScan) ? "05" : "10";
string sql = <sql statement>
using (SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(sql, frmMain.sqlConn1)) //frmMain.sqlConn1 is connection in form_Load()
if (sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery() <= 0)
//No row affect
return -99;
return 0;
return 99;
private void btnBack_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
你確定你在連接上調用'Close()',所以連接返回到池?您是否爲每次更新沒有使用池和打開_new_連接的基準測試時間? –
在(保持連接)測試中,當打開菜單時我在'Form_Load()'上打開連接,並在關閉窗體時打開Dispose。當我打開菜單時,只要打開菜單,我就可以使用此連接更新記錄。沒有(保持連接狀態),我使用''使用'塊,而不像之前的問題那樣在塊之後調用'Close()'。 –
@MitchWheat。你的意思是我應該關閉連接時,完成更新100條記錄,而不是關閉連接每個記錄100次? –