2013-01-12 22 views

我試圖編程Interiewstreet的插入排序挑戰Link for the challenge 在Python中,這裏是我的代碼如下所示。Interviewstreet的插入排序程序


# This program tries to identify number of times swapping is done to sort the input array 

=>Get input values and print them 
=>Get number of test cases and get inputs for those test cases 
=>Complete Insertion sort routine 
=>Add a variable to count the swapping's 

def sort_swap_times(nums): 
    """ This function takes a list of elements and then returns the number of times 
     swapping was necessary to complete the sorting 

    times_swapped = 0L 
    # perform the insertion sort routine 
    for j in range(1, len(nums)): 
    key = nums[j] 
    i = j - 1 
    while i >= 0 and nums[i] > key: 
     # perform swap and update the tracker 
     nums[i + 1] = nums[i] 
     times_swapped += 1 
     i = i - 1 
    # place the key value in the position identified 
    nums[i + 1] = key 

    return times_swapped 

# get the upper limit. 
limit = int(raw_input()) 
swap_count = [] 

# get the length and elements. 
for i in range(limit): 
    length = int(raw_input()) 
    elements_str = raw_input() # returns a list of strings 

    # convert the given elements from str to int 
    elements_int = map(int, elements_str.split()) 

    # pass integer elements list to perform the sorting 
    # get the number of times swapping was needed and append the return value to swap_count list 

# print the swap counts for each input array 
for x in swap_count: 
    print x 

給出錯誤的輸出,如果該** **整數具有較大的值? –


@izomorphius,該網站包含測試案例的列表在程序上運行 – kunaguvarun


你是什麼意思的錯誤輸出 - TLE或WA? – sidi



你的算法是正確的,但是這是一個很自然的做法的問題,並會給你大量的測試用例(即LEN(NUMS)> 10000)一時間超限信號。我們來分析算法的運行時複雜性。

for j in range(1, len(nums)): 
    key = nums[j] 
    i = j - 1 
    while i >= 0 and nums[i] > key: 
     # perform swap and update the tracker 
     nums[i + 1] = nums[i] 
     times_swapped += 1 
     i = i - 1 
    # place the key value in the position identified 
    nums[i + 1] = key 

在上面的片段所需的步驟的數量是正比於1 + 2 + .. + LEN(NUMS)-1,或LEN(NUMS)*(LEN(NUMS)-1)/ 2個步驟,它是O(len(nums)^ 2)。


使用的事實,所有的值將是[1,10^6]內。你在這裏真正做的是找到列表中的反轉次數,即查找所有對的i < j s.t. nums [i]> nums [j]。考慮一個數據結構,它允許您以對數時間複雜度查找每個插入操作所需的交換次數。當然,還有其他的方法。


Binary Indexed Trees


謝謝,我會先學習這些方法。 – kunaguvarun