static boolean [] openflag = new boolean[6];
static queue [] Clinic = new queue[6];
static String [] Doctor = {"Doctor 1", Doctor 2", "Doctor 3","Doctor
4","Doctor 5","Doctor 6"};
final static String HEADING = "The clinic moniter of Dylan Rychlik";
static int MAX = 6;
public static void Listpaitents()
int queuechoice;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Which doctor would you like to print?");
String InputString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,Doctor, HEADING,
queuechoice = Integer.parseInt(InputString);
if (openflag[queuechoice -1 ] == false){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Sorry, that doctor is notaviable");
Paitent[] array = Clinic[queuechoice -1].toArray();
//int size = Clinic[queuechoice -1].getSize();
int limit = Clinic[queuechoice -1].getSize();
int x; String out = " Members of the list are: \n";
// boolean exit = false;
for(x = 1; x <= limit; x++) {
out += array[x-1].Print() + "\n";
// System.out.println(array[x-1] + "\n");
public static Paitent[] toArray()
int x = Length;
Paitent[] Array = new Paitent[Length];
queuenode Current = rear;
for (x = Length; ((Current != null) && (x >= 1));x--)
Array[x-1] = new Paitent();
Current = Current.next;
return Array;
public class Paitent {
protected static String name;
protected static String telephone;
protected static int ID;
//Creates a constructor for a paitent object
public void paitent()
name = "";
telephone = " ";
ID = 0;
//updates the country object
public void update(Paitent thisThing)
name = thisThing.name;
telephone = thisThing.telephone;
ID = thisThing.ID;
//asks for user input for country objects
public void input(int i)
String PatronHeading = "Country Data Entry";
String entername;
int enterID;
String enterphone;
entername = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Please Enter the name of
paitent #" + i +": ", PatronHeading, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
enterphone = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Please Enter the telephone
number for paitent #" + i +": ", PatronHeading,
String PNumberString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Please Enter the
ID for paitent #" + i +": ", PatronHeading, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
enterID = Integer.parseInt(PNumberString);
name = entername;
telephone = enterphone;
ID = enterID;
//prints the results
public String Print()
String outputString;
outputString = "Paitent: " + "-" + name + "\n" + " Telephone number " +
telephone + " ID " + ID;
return outputString;
//gets and sets the PCI in order to sort them
'它me'和'炸燬似乎沒有任何工作可以完全解決問題。創建一個[mcve]。 – Idos
有兩個主要的問題使得這個問題變得很恐怖:你的代碼的格式不夠理想,另外你應該遵循'java命名約定',因爲這增加了混亂的格式。 – SomeJavaGuy
Aslo你提供的代碼不能編譯。第一個編譯錯誤將在這裏:'{「Doctor 1」,Doctor 2「,」Doctor 3「,」Doctor 4「,」Doctor 5「,」Doctor 6「};' – Jens