├── meta-testlayer
├── poky
├── conf
│ └── layer.conf
└── recipes-hello
└── helloworld
├── helloworld-0.1
│ ├── helloworld.c
│ ├── helloworld.patch
│ └── newhelloworld.c
└── helloworld_0.1.bb
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
printf("Hi, this is my first custom recipe. Have a good day\n");
return 0;
newhelloworld.c 的#include
int main(int argc, char **argv)
printf("Let see if patch works\n");
printf("Hi, this patch is from the test-layer\n");
return 0;
下面的內容是我用diff helloworld.c newhelloworld.c > helloworld.patch
< printf("Hi, this is my first custom recipe. Have a good day\n");
> printf("Let see if patch works\n");
> printf("Hi, this patch is from the test-layer\n");
SUMMARY = "Simple helloworld application"
SECTION = "examples"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/MIT;md5=0835ade698e0bcf8506ecda2f7b4f302"
#here we specify the source we want to build
SRC_URI = "file://helloworld.c"
SRC_URI += "file://helloworld.patch"
#here we specify the source directory, where we can do all the building and expect sources to be placed
S = "${WORKDIR}"
#bitbake task
do_compile() {
${CC} ${LDFLAGS} helloworld.c -o helloworld
#bitbake task
do_install() {
install -d ${D}${bindir}
install -m 0755 helloworld ${D}${bindir}
這是錯誤消息當我運行bitbake -c patch helloworld
NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks
NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks
ERROR: helloworld-0.1-r0 do_patch: Command Error: 'quilt --quiltrc /home/guest/yocto_practice/poky/build-beaglebone/tmp/work/cortexa8hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/helloworld/0.1-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/etc/quiltrc push' exited with 0 Output:
Applying patch helloworld.patch
patch: **** Only garbage was found in the patch input.
Patch helloworld.patch does not apply (enforce with -f)
ERROR: helloworld-0.1-r0 do_patch: Function failed: patch_do_patch
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/guest/yocto_practice/poky/build-beaglebone/tmp/work/cortexa8hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/helloworld/0.1-r0/temp/log.do_patch.22267
ERROR: Task (/home/guest/yocto_practice/meta-testlayer/recipes-hello/helloworld/helloworld_0.1.bb:do_patch) failed with exit code '1'
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 11 tasks of which 8 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.
Summary: 1 task failed:
Summary: There were 2 ERROR messages shown, returning a non-zero exit code.
這裏有沒有足夠的信息來告訴你爲什麼無法應用補丁 - 但也許它與元測試中的其他補丁有衝突嗎?如果你把你的補丁放在meta-testlayer中,那麼你完全不需要bbappend:你可以修改helloworld_0.1.bb。 – jku
我應該在這裏粘貼日誌截圖嗎?另外如何從同一層應用補丁? – user7345878