PHP 7 我想列出,在下拉菜單按鈕是動態的帶動下,天多用途陣列中的下拉菜單返回星期只有一次一週,如果它們出現在查詢中。不過,我只想要一個結果每天打印,即使會有更多。PHP的 - 使用從DB查詢
例如:如果在星期一有12個客戶被分配,我只希望在我的下拉菜單中打印一個'星期一'結果。 This is an example of下拉按鈕應該如何在執行查詢中列出的日期。 #note該Customer
*基本上查詢被從表中*其中一個USER_ID =「SESSION_ID」,這個訂單通過一個天列,它是在DB數字形式;週一至週日1-7。
$sql = "
FROM `customers`
WHERE `users_id` = '1'
ORDER BY `cust_route_day` ASC
LIMIT 0 , 30";
$cust = new User;
$results = $cust->db->query($sql);
來自連接到數據庫並執行各種查詢的用戶類。 定義和聲明。
$custName = array();
$custRouteDay = array();
$custID = array();
while ($row = $results->fetch_assoc())
$custName[] = $row['cust_first_name'].' '.$row['cust_last_name'];
$custRouteDay[] = $row['cust_route_day'];
$custID[] = $row['cust_id'];
define("CUSTID", $custID);
define("USER_TASKS", [
'Task Info' => 'Task Info',
'Task Time' => 'Task Time',
'Customer Route Info' => 'Customer Route Info',
'Set Alert' => 'Set Alert'
define("CUSTOMERS", $custName);
define("USER_TASKS", $userTasks);
// Assign the abbr value of day ex: 'Wed' to numerical value from DB ex: '2'
foreach(CUST_ROUTE_DAY as $key => $value){
$newKey .= ROUTEDAY[$value]." ";
$custRouteKeyArray = explode(" ",$newKey);
define("NAVICONS", [
"glyphicon glyphicon-user",
"glyphicon glyphicon-road",
"glyphicon glyphicon-tasks",
"fa fa-sitemap",
"fa fa-globe"
define("STYLE", [
"fixed-bottom" => "navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-bottom",
"fixed-top" => "navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top",
"default" => "navbar navbar-default"
define("NAVBTNS", [
"Route Info"=>$custRouteKeyArray,
Array ([0] => John Banner [1] => Dale Landry [2] => Bill Childers [3] => Darren Little [4] => Gary Garland) Array ([0] => Mon [1] => Wed [2] => Wed [3] => Thur [4] => Fri [5] =>) Array ([Task Info] => Task Info [Task Time] => Task Time [Customer Route Info] => Customer Route Info [Set Alert] => Set Alert) NetworkingMaps
function construct_navbar_buttons(){
//because key values in the parent array are mixed numerical and char values
//define and increment $i each time through the loop for NAVICONS class values and page number key
$i = 0;
//Start the post variable that will hold the result string $btns <ul>
$btns = '<ul class="nav navbar-nav">';
foreach(NAVBTNS as $k => $v){//$k holds index or e.g. Customers
if(is_array($v)){//go over subarray else print button see //we have a string value
$filtered = array_filter($v);//array_filter to remove null values
if(empty($filtered)) {
$btns .= '<li><a href="?p='.$v.'"><i class="'.NAVICONS[$i].'"></i> '.$v.'</a></li>';
}else{//start drop down here
$btns .= '<li class="dropdown">
<a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="">
<i class="'.NAVICONS[$i].'"></i> '.$k.' <span class="caret"> </span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-user">';
foreach($v as $key => $value){//loop through results of child array
if(in_array($v[$key], $v)){ //locate instance where key exists and print list-item a tag button in drop-down
## need logic to go over first instance of a value within the ##
## parent array to print only that first value in the results ##
$btns .= '<li><a href="?p='.$k.'&n='.$v[$key].'">'.$v[$key].'</a></li>';
$btns .= "</ul>\n</li>";//close the parent UL and LI tags
}else{//we have a string value
//do stuff example data: Tasks - key here seems aways a index number
$btns .= '<li><a href="?p='.$v.'"><i class="'.NAVICONS[$i].'"></i> '.$v.'</a></li>';
$btns .= '</ul>';
return $btns;
$d = array_search($value, $v);
if($d = ROUTEDAY[$i]){
echo $value;
$day = array("Mon","Tue","Wed","Thur","Fri","Sat","Sun");
if($d = $day[$i]){
echo $day[$i];
的結果被定義的變量保存與鍵的值一週的日子裏,給了我下面的結果在一個簡單的回聲。 1 - MonWedWedThurFriTask InfoTask TimeCustomer Route InfoSet Alert
2 - MonTueWed