我在APCS,我必須對生物類進行擴展,使生物隨機選擇網格中的任何角色,然後移動到其位置;從而「跟隨」它。我的老師給了我們開頭的課程名稱和方法名稱,以便不能更改。這是不能改變的跑步者。AnnoyingCritter GridWorld案例研究
import java.awt.Color;
import info.gridworld.actor.Rock;
import info.gridworld.actor.Actor;
import info.gridworld.actor.Flower;
import info.gridworld.actor.Bug;
import info.gridworld.grid.Location;
import info.gridworld.grid.BoundedGrid;
import info.gridworld.actor.ActorWorld;
public class AnnoyingCritterRunner
public static void main(String[] args)
ActorWorld world = new ActorWorld(new BoundedGrid<Actor>(8,8));
world.add(new Location(1, 1), new AnnoyingCritter());
world.add(new Location(3, 1), new Rock());
world.add(new Location(5, 2), new Actor());
world.add(new Location(7, 6), new Flower());
world.add(new Location(6, 6), new Actor());
world.add(new Location(0, 5), new Actor());
world.add(new Location(2, 6), new Bug(Color.GREEN));
world.add(new Location(3, 5), new Actor());
import info.gridworld.actor.Actor;
import info.gridworld.actor.Critter;
import info.gridworld.grid.Location;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class AnnoyingCritter extends Critter
/* instance variables will be needed
* one for the bFF and one to set whether this Critter has a bFF (a boolean)
public AnnoyingCritter()
/* make an AnnoyingCritter constructor that sets a color and starts with the
* boolean variable above being "false"
Critter AnnoyingCritter = new Critter();
private void pickBFF()
/* you'll need the grid, occupied locations, and some randomness to pick a friend
public void processActors(ArrayList<Actor> actors)
/* this can be simple or complicated. the idea is to pick a BFF if
* one is needed
//and it eats flowers and rocks
for(Actor dude : actors)
public Location selectMoveLocation(ArrayList<Location> locs)
//you need a Grid
//you need a location
//you need to know where to go and if it's clear to move and then go there