$action = $_GET['action'];
$pin = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['pin']);
if ($action == "forward"){
$setting = "1";
mysql_query("UPDATE pinStatus SET pinStatus='$setting' WHERE pinNumber='17';");
mysql_query("UPDATE pinStatus SET pinStatus='$setting' WHERE pinNumber='22';");
header('Location: remoteControl.php'); ..........
<form action="remoteControl.php" method="get">
<input id="forward" type="image" src="uparrow.jpg" IMG STYLE="position:absolute; TOP:150px; LEFT:170px; WIDTH:50px; HEIGHT:50px;">
<input type=hidden name="action" value="forward">
<script type="text/javascript">
function OnButtonDown (button) {
"can't figure out what to put";
function OnButtonUp (button) {
"can't figure out what to put";
function Init() {
var button = document.getElementById ("forward");
if (button.addEventListener) { // all browsers except IE before version 9
button.addEventListener ("mousedown", function() {OnButtonDown (button)}, false);
button.addEventListener ("mouseup", function() {OnButtonUp (button)}, false);
else {
if (button.attachEvent) { // IE before version 9
button.attachEvent ("onmousedown", function() {OnButtonDown (button)});
button.attachEvent ("onmouseup", function() {OnButtonUp (button)});
<body onload="Init()">
什麼 「馬達」 你在說什麼? – Ian
那麼,你在尋找能夠使圖像旋轉的代碼? – iConnor
對不起,不清楚。我正在研究Raspberry Pi。我使用它作爲Web服務器,樹莓還具有GPIO(輸出引腳),我正在使用它來驅動或旋轉直流電機。一旦我點擊uparrow圖像,它會發送命令來旋轉直流電機。 – Bros