我正在嘗試保存一些UIDatePickers的選定時間。我的日期選擇器被稱爲datePicker1。它目前設置爲只是小時和分鐘,我有一個「保存」按鈕,我想保存datePickers時間(小時和分鐘),並能夠在以後回調這些時間。我目前正在使用NSUserDefaults,但如果有更好的方法來做到這一點,讓我知道。 (日期與它無關,我正在創建一個應用程序,每天都會通知用戶,所以我所關心的是小時和分鐘數)。任何幫助將不勝感激。UIDatePicker快速保存時間
class ViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var datePicker: UIDatePicker!
@IBAction func save(sender: UIButton) {
let dateOnPicker = datePicker.date //capture the date shown on the picker
let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter() //create a date formatter
//if you want to convert time to string like "9:07 PM":
dateFormatter.timeStyle = NSDateFormatterStyle.ShortStyle //check out docs for NSDateFormatterStyle to see other styles
let timeAsString = dateFormatter.stringFromDate(dateOnPicker)
print(timeAsString) //ex. prints 3:04 AM as "3:04 AM" and 11:37 PM as "11:37 PM"
//if you want to convert time to string like "0627" (military time):
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "HHmm" //could also store as HH:mm if you want a colon in the string
let timeAsStringMilitaryTime = dateFormatter.stringFromDate(dateOnPicker)
print(timeAsStringMilitaryTime) //in miliatary time: ex. prints 3:04AM as "0304" and 11:37 PM as "2337"
//there are other options, but these are two that you might find useful!
//you could then save either version (whichever you end up using) to NSUserDefaults as a string; i went with the military time version since i think it's easier to parse, but just personal preference:
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setObject(timeAsStringMilitaryTime, forKey: "SavedTime")
override func viewDidLoad() {
//when you start up (or whenever you want to retrieve the saved time), you could check to see if you have a time saved, and if so, parse it into hours and minutes (assuming you are saving the military time version):
if let savedTime = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().objectForKey("SavedTime") as? String {
//the "HHmm" military time format will ALWAYS be 4 digits long, and the first two characters represent the hours and the second two characters represent the minutes
let hoursRange = savedTime.startIndex...savedTime.startIndex.advancedBy(1) //refers to the first two digits of 4-digit time)
let hours = savedTime[hoursRange]
let minutesRange = savedTime.startIndex.advancedBy(2)...savedTime.endIndex.predecessor() //refers to the last two digits of 4-digit time)
let minutes = savedTime[minutesRange]
邁克,所以我得到如何節省時間,現在如果我想用這段時間來觸發警報,並且當該頁面被重新加載時,日期選擇器再次顯示節省的時間,我將如何做到這一點? –
如果您使用的是UIDatePickerView:(情節板中設置時間) 下列功能保存/載入時間的NSDate和因爲你的UIDatePickerView設置爲時間,只有小時/分鐘就會顯示
var date :NSDate?
func save(){
date = datePicker1.date
func load(){
if date != nil {
datePicker1.setDate(date!, animated: true)
- 1. 保存UIDatePicker值
- 2. UIDatePicker 15分鐘增量快速
- 3. 使用UIDatePicker只有日月快速
- 4. UIDatePicker時間
- 5. 設置快速DOC時間
- 6. 快速時間的SMPTE TimeCode
- 7. UIDatePicker錯誤時間
- 8. 快速仿製藥不保存類型
- 9. node.js,mongo快速保存唯一編號
- 10. 快速保存/載入斷點
- 11. 解析和快速Geopoints不保存
- 12. 如何保存高分快速
- 13. 如何快速保存圖像
- 14. 快速保存\負荷大數據
- 15. 快速批量保存Hibernate的方法?
- 16. 快速保存標籤的數據
- 17. 快速加載/保存多維數組
- 18. 的UIDatePicker時間問題
- 19. 禁用時間和的UIDatePicker
- 20. UIDatePicker選擇時間問題
- 21. 快速上下文切換時保存當前狀態 - iOS4
- 22. 在安裝Azure CloudDrive的新快照時保留高速緩存
- 23. 快速排序時保存id的簡單方法
- 24. 創建代碼讀取另一個Streams正常運行時間並保存時間戳以便快速查找
- 25. 問題的快速時間玩IE8
- 26. C++快速排序運行時間
- 27. Paypal快速結賬授權時間
- 28. 快速日期和時間ios
- 29. 快速關閉按鈕一段時間
- 30. Java:加快速度並減緩時間
加載數據,你的問題並不在要保存的時間是什麼格式規定(例如一個字符串?小時和分鐘的整數?一個NSDate對象?) –
那麼你想要什麼? – Lion