2016-08-10 40 views








您如何期望在沒有大量加密知識背景的情況下查看加密代碼? – zaph


這可能是過時的文檔,或者他們根本不知道他們在說什麼。無論如何,現在不應該使用DES和雙密鑰3DES,因爲它們只提供56位和80位的安全性。我建議使用AES,它具有比任何DES/3DES變體最小的密鑰尺寸更好的安全保證。 –






注意OP clams是「安全分析師」。 – zaph


自由職業安全分析師,ouch。 – Kayaman


我不是具有編碼背景的人,既不是編碼分析師,也不是安全分析師的安全問題。想從專家那裏獲得幫助,但似乎有些人只是爲了誇耀自己。我不希望你爲我審查它,只是指出正確的做法綽綽有餘。非常感謝。 – mjoi



什麼是double length 3DES?

三重DES加密涉及具有雙長(16字節)的密鑰K =(K 大號一個 8字節密文塊加密的8字節明文塊||ķř )如下:
Y = DES3(K)[X] = DES(K 大號)[DES -1(K ř)[DES(K 大號)[X]]]
X = DES -1(K 大號)[DES(K ř)[DES -1(K 大號)[Y]]]

EMV 4.2: Book 2 - Security and Key Management從兩者。


import javax.crypto.Cipher; 
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; 

public class Test3DES { 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { 
     //byte length has to be mutiple of 8! 
     String plaintext = "Attack at dawn!!"; 
     byte[] plainBytes = plaintext.getBytes("UTF-8"); 
     byte[] encrypted = encrypt(plainBytes); 
     byte[] decrypted = decrypt(encrypted); 

     System.out.println("Original message: "); 
     System.out.printf("Text: %s%n", plaintext); 
     System.out.printf("Raw bytes: %s%n", toHexString(plainBytes)); 
     System.out.println("Encrypted message: "); 
     System.out.printf("Text: %s%n", new String(encrypted, "UTF-8")); 
     System.out.printf("Raw bytes: %s%n", toHexString(encrypted)); 
     System.out.println("Decrypted message: "); 
     System.out.printf("Text: %s%n", new String(decrypted, "UTF-8")); 
     System.out.printf("Raw bytes: %s%n", toHexString(decrypted)); 

    private static String toHexString(byte[] array) { 
     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 
     for (byte b : array) { 
      sb.append(String.format("%02X ", b)); 
     return sb.toString(); 

    private static byte[] encrypt(byte[] message) throws Exception { 
     Cipher encr1, decr2, encr3; 
     SecretKeySpec kL, kR, tmp; 

     kL = new SecretKeySpec(new byte[] {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}, "DES"); 
     kR = new SecretKeySpec(new byte[] {8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}, "DES"); 

     encr1 = Cipher.getInstance("DES/ECB/NoPadding"); 
     decr2 = Cipher.getInstance("DES/ECB/NoPadding"); 
     encr3 = Cipher.getInstance("DES/ECB/NoPadding"); 

     encr1.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, kL); 
     decr2.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, kR); 
     encr3.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, kL); 

     return encr3.doFinal(decr2.doFinal(encr1.doFinal(message))); 

    private static byte[] decrypt(byte[] message) throws Exception { 
     Cipher decr1, encr2, decr3; 
     SecretKeySpec kL, kR; 

     kL = new SecretKeySpec(
      new byte[] {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}, 
     kR = new SecretKeySpec(
      new byte[] {8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}, 

     decr1 = Cipher.getInstance("DES/ECB/NoPadding"); 
     encr2 = Cipher.getInstance("DES/ECB/NoPadding"); 
     decr3 = Cipher.getInstance("DES/ECB/NoPadding"); 

     decr1.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, kL); 
     encr2.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, kR); 
     decr3.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, kL); 

     return decr3.doFinal(encr2.doFinal(decr1.doFinal(message))); 


Original message: 
Text: Attack at dawn!! 
Raw bytes: 41 74 74 61 63 6B 20 61 74 20 64 61 77 6E 21 21 
Encrypted message: 
Text: #�Jɚe�P�ϸ5�%t� 
Raw bytes: 23 B4 4A C9 9A 65 C5 50 90 CF B8 35 9A 25 74 A2 
Decrypted message: 
Text: Attack at dawn!! 
Raw bytes: 41 74 74 61 63 6B 20 61 74 20 64 61 77 6E 21 21 

因此,要回答你的問題 - 你正在尋找代碼中16字節的密鑰大小。在我的代碼片段中,密鑰由kLkR組成,每個8字節,共16個。


由於加密數據基本上是隨機字節,而不是可打印字符,所以通常將其顯示爲十六進制,因此'# ɚ ϸ ϸ is is is is is isis is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is#########使用三個DES實例進行加密和使用3DES也是一件奇怪的事情,許多3DES實現如果提供16字節密鑰,默認情況下會使用第一個8字節的第三個8字節。有趣的是,密鑰是一個不好的例子,因爲DES忽略每個字節的LSB,該位最初用於奇偶校驗,因此「{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}」和「{0,0 ,2,2,4,4,6,6}「基本上是相同的關鍵。 – zaph


@ zaph我現在意識到可打印的字符表示是一個糟糕的選擇 - 如果我不這樣做,你非常歡迎編輯我的答案。所以你說我應該用鍵{'KL,KR,KL}'來使用3DES?這似乎是一個更好的主意!關於這些關鍵,我不認爲在這種情況下力量是重要的,但仍然......感謝你指出了這一點。 –


@ zaph在問題中提到密碼是用** DES/ECB/NoPadding **算法實例化的。如果這個問題是有幫助的,我仍然認爲它應該保留這種形式,也許只是提到改進。 –