我正在學習中斷和鍵盤硬件中斷,例如中斷9(在dos中)。 我注意到,如果我按下箭頭鍵(左,右,上,下),則會出現兩個連續的中斷。第一個是'Shift'按鈕中斷,第二個是我按下的箭頭鍵。按下箭頭鍵拍攝兩個鍵盤中斷? (int 09h)
我對INT 9代碼:
void interrupt interrupt_9_Implementation{
unsigned char scanCode;
in al, 60h // read the keyboard input from port 60h (96 Decimal) into al;
mov scanCode, al // save the keyboard input into 'scanCode' varaible
in al, 61h // read 8255 port 61h (97 Decimal) into al
or al, 128 // set the MSB - the keyboard acknowlege signal
out 61h, al // send the keyboard acknowlege signal from al
xor al, 128 // unset the MSB - the keyboard acknowlege signal
out 61h, al // send the keyboard acknowlege signal from al
if(128 > scanCode){ // if the button is being pressed or being released. if the button is being pressed then the MSb isn't set and therfore it must be smaller than 128
printf("You pressed key assigned scan code = %d\n", scanCode);
if(EscScanCode == scanCode)
EscPressed = _True;
printf("Press any key (almost)\n:");
// send EOI
mov al, 20h
out 20h, al
Press any key (almost)
:You pressed key assigned scan code = 42 // the 'shift' key scan code
Press any key (almost)
:You pressed key assigned scan code = 77 // the right arrow button scan code
到目前爲止,這是唯一的發生用箭頭鍵。而'Shift'沒有被按下。 我使用的是Logitech Wave鍵盤。