2017-05-26 64 views




double* get_row(double *the_array, int row_num, int col_size) { 
cout << "Get Row : "<< the_array[row_num]<< "\n"; 
return the_array+row_num;} 




#include "TwoDArray.h" 

using namespace std; 


void set_row(double *the_array, int row_num, int col_size, double *row_vals) { 
    for (int i = 0; i < col_size; i++) 
     the_array[i] = *row_vals + i; 
    cout << "Set Row:"<< *the_array << "\n"; 

double get_element(double *the_array, int row_num, int col_size, int col_num) { 
    double thisElement = (*(the_array + (row_num * col_size)) + col_num); 
    return thisElement; 

double* get_row(double *the_array, int row_num, int col_size) { 
    cout << "Get Row : "<< the_array[row_num]<< "\n"; 
    return the_array+row_num; 

double sum(double *the_array, int row_size, int col_size) { 

    double sum = 0.0; 
    for (int j = 0; j < row_size; j++) { 
     for (int i = 0; i < col_size * row_size; i++) { 
      sum += the_array[i] + j; 

     return sum; 

double find_max(double *the_array, int row_size, int col_size) { 
    double max_so_far = the_array[0]; 
    for (int j = 0; j < row_size; j++) 
     for (int i = 0; i < col_size * row_size; i++) 
      if (the_array[i] + j > max_so_far) 
       max_so_far = the_array[i] + j; 
    return max_so_far - 1; 

double find_min(double *the_array, int row_size, int col_size) { 
    double min_so_far = the_array[0]; 
    for (int j = 0; j < row_size; j++) 
     for (int i = 0; i < col_size * row_size; i++) 
      if (the_array[i] + j < min_so_far) 
       min_so_far = the_array[i] + j; 
    return min_so_far; 


int main(int argc, char** argv) { 

    const int row_size = 2; //i 
    const int col_size = 3; //j 
    double B[2][3] = { 
     {68, 2, 44}, 
     {7, 8, 3} 
    double (*p)[3] = B; 
    double C[2][3] = { 
     {1, 1, 1}, 
     {1, 2, 3}}; 

    double (*f)[3] = C; 

    cout << "\n" << "Sum of all Elements = " << sum(*p, 2, 3) << "\n"; ///Expected: 132 
    cout << "\n" << "Get Element = " << get_element(*p, 1, 0, 0) << "\n"; //Expected: 68 
    cout << "\n" << "Largest Element = " << find_max(*p, 2, 3) << "\n"; //Expected: 68 
    cout << "\n" << "Smallest Element = " << find_min(*p, 2, 3) << "\n"; //Expected: 2 
    cout << "\n" << "Get Row = " << get_row(*p, 0, col_size) << "\n"; //Expected: 2 
    set_row(*p, 2, 3, *f); 
    cout << "\n" << B[2][3]; 
    cout << "\n"; 


這取決於你是如何代表你的二維數組。它是一個數組的數組還是一個包含每一行的單個數組?你的函數論證似乎暗示了後者,但你的實現似乎暗示了前者。 –


歡迎來到Stack Overflow。請花些時間閱讀[The Tour](http://stackoverflow.com/tour),並參閱[幫助中心](http://stackoverflow.com/help/asking)中的資料,瞭解您可以在這裏問。 –


_「但我不確定我是否已經正確實施。」_這就是測試用例的用途。 –



x + y * col_size給出陣列的1D索引時xy是2D陣列座標。因此,要訪問一行的第一個元素,您可以設置x = 0y = row_num。不僅僅是返回元素的地址。

return &the_array[row_num * col_size]; 

非常感謝您的幫助,先生。 – fqa66



// 2D to 1D 
int get_index(int x, int y) 
    return y*WIDTH + x; 

// 1D to 2D 
int get_x(int index) { index % WIDTH; } 
int get_y(int index) { index/WIDTH; }