2012-11-08 22 views


def eventfreq(year,month): 

    Read DOT1000.txt and return a list of (d,ct) 
    pairs, where d is a date object of the form 
    having A equal to the year argument and 
    B equal to the month argument to eventfreq(year,month). 
    The ct part of each pair is the number of records 
    that had a date equal to datetime.date(A,B,C). 

    One more requirement: sort the returned list 
    in increasing order by date (the sorted function will 
    do this for you) 

    Use fieldict("DOT1000.txt") to get the dictionary 
    of tuples used for building the list of pairs 
    that eventfreq(year,month) will return. 


def eventfreq(year, month): 
    L = [] # empty List for accumulation 
    for line in N: # data file is standard input 

       st = N[1] # get datetime.date 
       (L[st] = L.get(st,0) + 1) 

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def eventfreq(year, month): 
    dates = [dt for x, dt, y in fieldict('DOT1000.txt') if dt.year==year and dt.month==month] 
    return [(dt, dates.count(dt)) for dt in set(dates)