我可以編寫非常基本的python級別。我發現這個蟒3腳本(argv的1和2是input.txt中和output.txt的):如何將此python 3代碼轉換爲python 2.7?
import sys
inf = open (sys.argv[1], 'r')
ouf = open (sys.argv[2], 'w')
def summarize(data:list, crit:float, run:int)->list:
i = 0
s = []
while i < len(data):
j = i
while (j < len(data)) and (crit <= data[j]):
j += 1
if run <= j - i:
s.append('{}-{}'.format(i+1, j))
i = j+1
return s
def transfer(head:str, data:list, sink:open, crit:float, run:int)->None:
summary = summarize(data, crit, run)
if summary:
sink.write('{}: {}\n'.format(head, ', '.join(summary)))
def collect(source:open, sink:open, crit:float = 0.5, run:int = 1)->None:
data = head = []
for line in source:
L = line.strip()
if not L.startswith('#'):
transfer(head, data, sink, crit, run)
data = []
head = L[1:].strip()
transfer(head, data, sink, crit, run)
collect(inf, ouf)
# IUPred
# Copyright (c) Zsuzsanna Dosztanyi, 2005
# Z. Dosztanyi, V. Csizmok, P. Tompa and I. Simon
# J. Mol. Biol. (2005) 347, 827-839.
# Prediction output
# NP_414578.2
1 M 0.4476
2 S 0.5286
3 E 0.7328
4 S 0.8019
5 L 0.2094
6 H 0.2503
7 L 0.1791
8 T 0.9193
# IUPred
# Copyright (c) Zsuzsanna Dosztanyi, 2005
# Z. Dosztanyi, V. Csizmok, P. Tompa and I. Simon
# J. Mol. Biol. (2005) 347, 827-839.
# Prediction output
# NP_418290.4
1 M 0.5328
2 E 0.8759
3 S 0.5323
4 W 0.1942
5 L 0.2575
6 I 0.8823
7 P 0.8034
8 A 0.2258
9 A 0.2541
10 P 0.8783
11 V 0.1002
12 T 0.3583
到( output.txt)文件爲:
NP_414578.2: 2-4, 8-8
NP_418290.4: 1-3, 6-7, 10-10
也就是說,它列出了其最後一列中值> = 0.5的範圍(第一列)。
請建議我如何可以將其轉換到Python 2
下面是一個瘋狂的想法:嘗試在Python 2上運行它,並檢查它是否工作。它不?使用您最喜愛的搜索引擎來檢查解決方案,嘗試自己修復它。沒有工作?在這裏發佈問題。提示:仔細看看Python 2和3如何處理文件。 –
只刪除方法簽名中的顯式類型 – RafaelC
它顯示以下錯誤,然後我運行py2.7:文件「script.py」,第5行 def summarize(data:list,crit:float,run:int) - > list: ^ SyntaxError:無效的語法 –