2011-05-08 28 views



function ConnectToDatabase($db) 
    global $current_database; 
    $current_database = $db; 
    odb_exec('USE ' . $db); // etc. Error handling omitted for clarity 

function UtilityFunction() 
    odb_exec('USE common_db'); // etc. Error handling omitted for clarity 
    // do some work here 
    global $current_database; 

也許我可以讓它更漂亮結合global $current_database; ConnectToDatabase($current_database);PopCurrentDb功能,但你得到的圖片。


例如SELECT * from $database . '.' . $table


您可以打開兩個數據庫連接,你知道嗎? :) – deceze 2011-05-08 00:12:33


mysql_select_db選擇數據庫我猜 – Ibu 2011-05-08 00:14:07


+1是的,我想打開第二個連接是一種選擇。只保留一個很簡單,它不是一個非常複雜的程序。 – Mawg 2011-05-08 00:26:39




class MultiDb 

    * Array of PDO DB objects or PDO DSN strings indexed by a connection/dbname name 
    * @var array 
    protected $connections = array(); 

    * The connection name currently in use 
    * @var string 
    protected $currentConnection; 

    * The Defualt connection name 
    * @var string 
    protected $defaultConncetion; 

    * @param array $connections Any array DSN or PDO objects 
    public function __construct(array $connections); 

    public function getConnection($name); 

    // i would set this up to intelligently return registered connections 
    // if the argument matches one 
    public function __get($name) 

    // same with __set as with __get 
    public function __set($name, $value); 

    // proxy to the current connection automagically 
    // if current isnt set yet then use default so things 
    // running through this would actually result in 
    // call_user_func_array(array(PDO $object, $method), $args); 

    public function __call($method, $args); 



// at the beginning of the app 

$db = new MultiDb(array(
    'util' => array('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=util;', 'user', 'pass'); 
    'default' => array('odbc:DSN=MYDSN;UID=user;PWD=pass;'); 

// some where else in the app we want to get some ids of some entities and then 
// we want to delete the associated logs in our shared utility DB 

// fetch the ids from the default db 

$ids = $db->default->query('SELECT c.name, c.id FROM some_table c') 

// assume we have written a method 
// to help us create WHERE IN clauses and other things 
$in = $db->createQueryPart($ids, MultiDb::Q_WHERE_IN); 

// prepare our delete from the utility DB 
$stmt = $db->util->prepare(
    'DELETE FROM log_table WHERE id IN('.$in['placeholder'].')', 

// execute our deletion 

+1謝謝。好的代碼 – Mawg 2011-05-11 04:53:23


所以你想創建一個功能推(插入)和彈出(選擇&刪除)? 您可以創建一個存儲過程來處理這個問題,或者您可以在php中編寫多個查詢執行。