我正在嘗試使用ArcSegment將模型的一部分渲染爲半圓。我的代碼使用了許多基於2D Path的對象。除了使用ArcSegment的模塊外,所有工作都正常。例如,使用LineSegment的類似模塊可以正常工作。我無法呈現WPF ArcSegment。筆畫顏色不起作用
我沒有使用XAML。所有形狀都是使用C#/ WPF函數構建的。
以下是呈現所有使用WPF Path對象我的幾何對象的代碼:
// builder constructs a collection of Geometry objects and returns the in a GeometryGroup via ToGeometry()
GeometryGroup model2D = builder.ToGeometry();
model2D.Transform = BuildLocalTransform2D(visualModel);
var visual2D = new System.Windows.Shapes.Path();
if (typeof(Foundation.Visualisation.Elements2D.ShapeElement).IsAssignableFrom(visualModel.GetType()))
visual2D.Fill = ((Foundation.Visualisation.Elements2D.ShapeElement)visualModel).ShapeStyle.BackgroundBrush;
// ArcSegment and LineSegment based geometries always follow this path
// was using transparent but needed to add a color to make ArcSegment based Path visible
// the assignment to Stroke below does not work (line remains transparent) when model2D contains a PathGeometry that contains one ArcSegment
// I can see that the arc has the correct shape when the fill is not transparent
//visual2D.Fill = Brushes.Transparent;
visual2D.Fill = Brushes.Cyan;
// debug shows StrokeThickness is always 2
visual2D.StrokeThickness = ((PathElement)visualModel).LineStyle.LineThickness;
// debug shows that Stroke is always Brushes.Black
visual2D.Stroke = ((PathElement)visualModel).LineStyle.LineBrush;
visual2D.StrokeStartLineCap = PenLineCap.Round;
visual2D.StrokeEndLineCap = PenLineCap.Round;
visual2D.StrokeLineJoin = PenLineJoin.Round;
visual2D.Data = model2D;
WpfVisual2DProxy node = new WpfVisual2DProxy(visual2D, visualModel);
// the following adds the visual to an ItemsControl using a Canvas based template:
// this.ItemsPanel = new ItemsPanelTemplate(new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(Canvas)));
public void AddArc(ModelPoint2D arcStart, ModelPoint2D arcEnd, double ellipseFactor, double degrees, bool isLarge, SweepDirection sweepDirection, LineVisualStyle lineStyle)
double radius = ellipseFactor * arcStart.Distance(arcEnd)/2.0;
List<ArcSegment> list = new List<ArcSegment>(2);
Point start = converter.ToPoint2D(arcStart);
list.Add(new ArcSegment(converter.ToPoint2D(arcEnd), new Size(radius, radius), Extrusion.DegreesToRadians(degrees), isLarge, SweepDirection.Clockwise, false));
var pathFigure = new PathFigure(start, list, false);
var pfList = new List<PathFigure>(1);
group.Children.Add(new PathGeometry(pfList));
public void AddPath(IList<ModelPoint2D> Points, LineVisualStyle lineStyle)
List<LineSegment> list = new List<LineSegment>(Points.Count);
Point start = converter.ToPoint2D(Points[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < Points.Count; i++)
list.Add(new LineSegment(converter.ToPoint2D(Points[i]), true));
var pathFigure = new PathFigure(start, list, false);
var pfList = new List<PathFigure>(1);
group.Children.Add(new PathGeometry(pfList));
The Semicircle at the top has Fill visible but not Stroke
public abstract class VisualModel
/// <summary>
/// Recursive hierarchy of VisualModel objects that describe the visual structure of an entity for a specific ViewportType.
/// The top level of the hierarchy is owned by EntityViews via a ViewportTypeVisualModel entry
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">An optional model component identifier - useful for debug</param>
public VisualModel(string id)
domainBindings = null;
proxies = null;
Id = id;
ParentVisualModel = null;
LocalTransforms = null;
IsStatic = true;
public bool HasDomainBindings
if (domainBindings == null)
return false;
return domainBindings.Count > 0;
public bool HasProxies
if (proxies == null)
return false;
return proxies.Count > 0;
public string Id { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Static objects are not affected by transforms that change after the render is constructed.
/// Non-Static (Dynamic) objects have transforms that may be changed by the application after the render is constructed
/// Dynamic objects have attached event handlers that adjust the transforms in response to application events
/// </summary>
public bool IsStatic { get; private set; }
public List<TransformBase> LocalTransforms { get; private set; }
public VisualModel ParentVisualModel { get; internal set; }
public void AddDomainBinding(BindingBase binding)
public void AddLocalTransform(TransformBase transform)
if (LocalTransforms == null)
LocalTransforms = new List<TransformBase>(4);
if (transform.IsDynamic)
IsStatic = false;
public void AddProxy(VisualProxy visualProxy)
protected List<BindingBase> DomainBindings
if (domainBindings == null)
domainBindings = new List<BindingBase>();
return domainBindings;
protected List<VisualProxy> Proxies
if (proxies == null)
proxies = new List<VisualProxy>();
return proxies;
public virtual void UnbindAll()
if (domainBindings == null)
foreach (BindingBase binding in this.DomainBindings)
private List<BindingBase> domainBindings;
private List<VisualProxy> proxies;
注意VisualModel表示圖形/渲染技術無關模型容器。它包含的VisualProxy對象是特定於技術的圖形對象的基類。在這種情況下,WpfVisual2DProxy對象包裝包含我的WPF可呈現表示的WPF UIElement對象。
public abstract class VisualProxy
public VisualModel.VisualModel VisualModel { get; private set; }
public VisualProxy Parent { get; private set; }
public VisualProxy(VisualModel.VisualModel visualModel)
VisualModel = visualModel;
Parent = null;
public VisualProxy(VisualModel.VisualModel visualModel, VisualProxy parent)
VisualModel = visualModel;
Parent = parent;
public class WpfVisual2DProxy : VisualProxy
public UIElement Visual2D { get; private set; }
public WpfVisual2DProxy(UIElement visual2D, VisualModel visualModel) : base(visualModel)
Visual2D = visual2D;
public WpfVisual2DProxy(UIElement visual2D, VisualModel visualModel, WpfVisual2DProxy parent) : base(visualModel, parent)
Visual2D = visual2D;
是否'ArcSegment'顯示青色當您使用'visual2D.Stroke = Brushes.Cyan;''而不是= visual2D.Stroke((PathElement)visualModel).LineStyle.LineBrush的;'?如果不是,你可以發佈代碼來顯示'visualModel'是如何構建的? – Peter
我試過直接分配visual2D.Stroke = Brushes.Black;這沒有什麼區別。我在原始文章中添加了一些額外的細節,以顯示正在使用的各種模型容器對象。 –
最後的ArcSegment構造函數參數isStroked顯然應該設置爲true而不是false。 – Clemens