from peewee import *
from datetime import date
db = SqliteDatabase('people.db')
class Person(Model):
name = CharField() # varchar in sqlite
birthday = DateField() # date in sqlite
is_relative = BooleanField() # integer in sqlite
class Meta:
database = db # This model uses the "people.db" database.
class Pet(Model):
owner = ForeignKeyField(Person, related_name='pets')
name = CharField()
animal_type = CharField()
class Meta:
database = db # this model uses the "people.db" database
db.create_tables([Person, Pet],True) # Parameters: fail_silently (bool) – If set to True, the method will check for the existence of the table before attempting to create.
# save() method: when you call save(), the number of rows modified is returned.
uncle_bob = Person(name='Bob', birthday=date(1960, 1, 15), is_relative=True)
uncle_bob.save() # bob is now stored in the database
# create() method: which returns a model instance
grandma = Person.create(name='Grandma', birthday=date(1935, 3, 1), is_relative=True)
herb = Person.create(name='Herb', birthday=date(1950, 5, 5), is_relative=False)
# To update a row, modify the model instance and call save() to persist the changes
grandma.name = 'Grandma L.'
grandma.save() # Update grandma's name in the database.
# Let’s give them some pets.
bob_kitty = Pet.create(owner=uncle_bob, name='Kitty', animal_type='cat')
herb_fido = Pet.create(owner=herb, name='Fido', animal_type='dog')
herb_mittens = Pet.create(owner=herb, name='Mittens', animal_type='cat')
herb_mittens_jr = Pet.create(owner=herb, name='Mittens Jr', animal_type='cat')
# Mittens sickens and dies. We need to remove him from the database: the return value of delete_instance() is the number of rows removed from the database.
herb_mittens.delete_instance() # he had a great life
# Uncle Bob decides that too many animals have been dying at Herb’s house, so he adopts Fido:
herb_fido.owner = uncle_bob
bob_fido = herb_fido # rename our variable for clarity
## Getting single records
# To get a single record from the database, use SelectQuery.get():
grandma = Person.select().where(Person.name == 'Grandma L.').get()
print("Info about Grandma L. using SelectQuery: %s "% grandma.name)
# Or using the equivalent shorthand Model.get():
grandma = Person.get(Person.name == 'Grandma L.')
display_bday=grandma.birthday.strftime("%A %d %B %Y")
print("Grandma L. info using Model.get: %s "% display_bday)
for field in db._meta.sorted_field_names:
你好像是以[文檔](http://docs.peewee-orm.com/en/latest/peewee/models.html#model-options-and-table-metadata)顯示的方式執行此操作,是否有可能會導致您的另一部分代碼安裝不正確? –
wait ...不,SQLDatabase沒有模型的'._meta',你需要提供[MCVE](http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve)。 –