2011-07-01 51 views



是的,是的,我已經實現了服務器端驗證,所以這實際上只是錦上添花,但它使用戶體驗更好,當它不讓他們等待回傳時。 。

我在驗證插件1.8.1中使用jQuery 1.4.4。有很多驗證規則,因此我將它們分成了自己的.js文件,該文件在我的html中引用。


// JScript File 

$.validator.addMethod('postalCode', function (value, element) { 
    return this.optional(element) || /^((\d{5}-\d{4})|(\d{5})|([A-Z]\d[A-Z]\s\d[A- Z]\d))$/.test(value); 
}, 'Please enter a valid US or Canadian postal code.'); 

$.validator.addMethod('cvnnum', function (value, element) { 
    return this.optional(element) || /^((\d{3})|(\d{4}))$/.test(value); 
}, 'Please enter a valid CVN.'); 

$.validator.addMethod('CCExp', function(value, element, params) { 
     var minMonth = new Date().getMonth() + 1; 
     var minYear = new Date().getFullYear(); 
     var month = parseInt($(params.month).val(), 10); 
     var year = parseInt($(params.year).val(), 10); 
     return this.optional(element) || ((year > minYear || (year === minYear && month >= minMonth))); 
}, 'Please select a valid expiration date.'); 

$.validator.addMethod('routingnum', function (value, element) { 
     // algorithm taken from: http://www.brainjar.com/js/validation/ 

    var t = value; 
    n = 0; 
    for (i = 0; i < t.length; i += 3) { 
     n += parseInt(t.charAt(i), 10) * 3 
      + parseInt(t.charAt(i + 1), 10) * 7 
      + parseInt(t.charAt(i + 2), 10); 

    // If the resulting sum is an even multiple of ten (but not zero), 
    // the aba routing number is good. 

    if (n != 0 && n % 10 == 0) 
     return true; 
     return (this.optional(element) || false); 

}, 'Please enter a valid routing number.'); 

$.validator.addMethod("phoneUS", function(phone_number, element) { 
    phone_number = phone_number.replace(/\s+/g, ""); 
    return this.optional(element) || phone_number.length > 9 && 
}, "Please specify a valid phone number"); 

//had to rewrite equalTo as it didn't follow the required or depends properties correctly.. 
$.validator.addMethod("myEqualTo", function (value, element, param) { 
    return this.optional(element) || value === $(param).val(); 
}, jQuery.format("You must enter {0}")); 

$(document).ready(function() { 

    rules: { 
     PayType: { required: true }, 
     Email: { required: true }, 
     txtCCFullName: { required: isCreditCard }, 
     txtCCFName: { required: isCreditCard }, 
     txtCCLName: { required: isCreditCard }, 
     txtCCNumber: { creditcard: true, required: isCreditCard }, 
     txtCCSecurityNum: { cvnnum: true, required: isCreditCard }, 
     ddlCCExpYear: { 
      required: isCreditCard, 
      CCExp: { 
       month: '#ddlCCExpMonth', 
       year: '#ddlCCExpYear' 
     txtCCAdd1: { required: isCreditCard }, 
     txtCCCity: { required: isCreditCard }, 
     txtCCState: { required: isCreditCard }, 
     txtCCZip: { postalCode: true, required: isCreditCard }, 
     txtAmtOther: { 
      number: true, 
      required: function() { return $('input[name=PayType][value=rbtAmtOther]:checked').length > 0; } 
     txtACHRoutingNum: { routingnum: true, required: isACH }, 
     txtACHAcctNum: { number: true, required: isACH }, 
     txtACHFName: { required: isACH }, 
     txtACHLName: { required: isACH }, 
     txtACHAdd1: { required: isACH }, 
     txtACHCity: { required: isACH }, 
     txtACHState: { required: isACH }, 
     txtACHZip: { postalCode: true, required: isACH }, 
     txtPayorEmail: { 
      email: true, 
      required: { 
       depends: function (element) { return $('input[id=rbtEmailYes]:checked').length > 0; } 

     txtConfEmail: { 
      myEqualTo: '#txtPayorEmail', 
      //required: false 
      required: { 
       depends: function (element) { 
        return ($('div[id=ConfirmEmail]:visible').length > 0) && ($('input[id=rbtEmailYes]:checked').length > 0); 

    messages: { 
     Email: { required: 'Please answer the payor email question.' }, 
     PayType: { required: 'Please select a payment type.' }, 
     // blank messages suppress the individual error messages 
     txtCCFullName: { required: '' }, 
     txtCCFName: { required: '' }, 
     txtCCLName: { required: '' }, 
     txtCCNumber: { required: '' }, 
     txtCCSecurityNum: { required: '' }, 
     txtAmtOther: { required: '' }, 
     txtACHFName: { required: '' }, 
     txtACHLName: { required: '' }, 
     txtACHRoutingNum: { required: '' }, 
     txtACHAcctNum: { required: '' }, 
     txtACHAdd1: { required: '' }, 
     txtACHCity: { required: '' }, 
     txtACHState: { required: '' }, 
     txtACHZip: { required: '' }, 
     txtCCAdd1: { required: '' }, 
     txtCCCity: { required: '' }, 
     txtCCState: { required: '' }, 
     txtCCZip: { required: '' }, 
     txtPayorEmail: { required: '' }, 
     txtConfEmail: { required: '', myEqualTo: 'The email addresses do not match.' } 

    onfocusout: function (element) { 
     // if either of the email fields, immediately validate, otherwise let the normal behavior happen 
     switch ($(element).attr('id')) { 
      // validate these on focus lost 
      case 'txtPayorEmail': 
      case 'txtConfEmail': 
      case 'txtCCNumber': 
      case 'txtCCSecurityNum': 
      case 'txtCCZip': 
      case 'txtACHRoutingNum': 
      case 'txtACHAcctNum': 
      case 'txtACHZip': 
       // do nothing for the others, they get validated on form submit 
    errorLabelContainer: $("#form1 div.error"), 
    ignore: ":hidden", 
    onkeyup: false 


function isCreditCard() { 
    return $('input[name=PayType][value=rbtCC]:checked').length > 0; 
function isACH() { 
    return $('input[name=PayType][value=rbtACH]:checked').length > 0; 
function isEmailed() { 
    return $('input[id=rbtEmailYes]:checked').length > 0; 


更新#2:偏偏歌劇& IE 8一樣,所以這是第3 & 4瀏覽器現在這樣做了。這絕對是我的設計的一個基本問題..



我已經檢查了第一次和第二次通過Live HTTP標頭,並且在如何訪問該文件方面沒有可察覺的差異。所有的js文件都被加載兩次,服務器都響應HTTP/1.1 200 OK。

我的JavaScript文件在@Cos Callis提供的鏈接中引用與@Ganztoll相同,儘管他使用PHP並且我在.NET中,但基本上我沒有看到生成src目標動態與保留硬編碼是。瀏覽器應該看到完全相同的結果,並相應地對待它...我想我可以給它一個服務器端包括或一些東西..



可能重複http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5936700/why-doesnt-jquery-的getJSON功能 - 執行 - 當-A-頁面被重定向,而不是-的。是的頁面是一個JSP而不是。aspx,但這個想法是通過使用response.redirect來改變相對路徑。 –


不知道它是否有所作爲,但有沒有一個特定的原因,你沒有使用最新版本的jQuery? – Sparky


@ Sparky672沒有其他的具體原因,那就是我們現在在所有其他網站上使用的東西,我們沒有時間重新測試我們所有的網絡應用程序(許多&複雜..)只是更新jQuery版本,我希望這樣做,但是必須等到我們進行了一些自動化測試以確保我們不會在這個過程中破壞某些東西。 –


