我不完全確定這是一個理解問題或語法。 我正試圖從同一父母下的其他子類訪問子類。PHP多個子類,訪問子類到類
class TopLevel {
foreach (glob("assets/php/*.php") as $filename) // will get all .php files within plugin directory
include $filename;
$temp = explode('/',$filename);
$class_name = str_replace('.php','',$temp[count($temp)-1]); // get the class name
$this->$class_name = new $class_name; // initiating all plugins
class A extends TopLevel {
$var = 'something';
public function output() {
return $this->var;
class B extends TopLevel {
// This is where I need help, CAN the child class A be accessed sideways from class B? Obviously they need to be loaded in correct order of dependency.
還有據我可以看到A和B之間沒有關係? – PeeHaa 2015-02-17 23:40:14
你也可能想看看[適當的自動加載](http://php.net/manual/en/function.spl-autoload.php),而不是你現在正在做的事情。 – PeeHaa 2015-02-17 23:41:19
您的代碼不完整,但如果foreach位於TopLevel類的構造函數中,您要做的工作應該可行。 – Dragony 2015-02-18 00:02:56