2013-11-21 35 views


Album = namedtuple('Album', 'id artist title year songs') 

# id is a unique ID number; artist and title are strings; year is a number, 
# the year the song was released; songs is a list of Songs 

Song = namedtuple('Song', 'track title length play_count') 

# track is the track number; title is a string; length is the number of 
# seconds long the song is; play_count is the number of times the user 
# has listened to the song 

def Song_str(S: Song)->str: 
    '''Takes a song and returns a string containing that songs 
    information in an easily readible format''' 

    return '{:12}{}\n{:12}{}\n{:12}{}\n{:12}{}'.format('Track:', S.track, 
                 'Title:', S.title, 
                 'Length:', S.length, 
                 'Play Count:', S.play_count) 

def Album_str(a: Album)->str: 
    '''Takes an album and returns a string containing that songs 
    information in an easily readible format''' 

    Album_Songs = a.songs 
    for i in range(0, len(Album_Songs)): 
      String = Song_str(Album_Songs[i])+ '\n' 

    return '{:10}{}\n{:10}{}\n{:10}{}\n{:10}{}\n\n{}\n{}'.format('ID:', a.id, 
                   'Artist:', a.artist, 
                   'Title:', a.title, 
                   'Year:', a.year, 
                   'List of Songs:', String) 

print(Album_str(AN ALBUM)) 



這是沒有的地方接近正確的** Python **語法。 – HennyH


@HennyH:我看起來沒有什麼明顯的錯誤。也許你不知道[函數註釋](http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3107/)?我沒有使用Python 3,所以我不太清楚如何使用它們,但這些看起來像函數註釋給我。 – user2357112




String = Song_str(Album_Songs[i])+ '\n' 


def Album_str(a): 
    '''Takes an album and returns a string containing that songs 
    information in an easily readible format''' 

    Album_Songs = a.songs 
    list_of_songs = [] 
    for album_song in Album_Songs: # Don't use list indexing, just iterate over it. 

    return '{:10}{}\n{:10}{}\n{:10}{}\n{:10}{}\n\n{}\n{}'.format('ID:', a.id, 
                   'Artist:', a.artist, 
                   'Title:', a.title, 
                   'Year:', a.year, 
                   'List of Songs:', '\n'.join(list_of_songs)) 



定義如何不正確Python? http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3107/ – user2357112