2013-01-05 30 views


F South Korea 
Male Psy Park Jae Sang 
31 - 12 - 1977 
3 CSCI114 55 CSCI103 44 GangNam 100 

S Female Super Junior 
5 - 8 - 1978 
2 CSCI114 60 CSCI103 80 

F People Republic Of China 
Unknown James Bond 
11 - 12 - 1976 
4 CSCI114 54 CSCI124 66 CSCI007 99 CSCI123 28 

現在,忽視了明顯的亞洲popstar引用我的講師決定,以填補這個例子 - 我希望能夠之前閱讀的第一個數字CSCI,這是數字或課程及其各自的成績,並自動化(循環)文本文件中的所有3(或更多)學生。


#include <iostream> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <cstdlib> 
#include <ctime> 
using namespace std; 

const int MAX = 80; 

struct Birthday 
    char day[MAX]; 
    char month[MAX]; 
    char year[MAX]; 

struct Local 
    char name[MAX]; 
    char gender[MAX]; 
    Birthday bd; 
    char subjects [MAX]; 

struct Foreigner 
    char name[MAX]; 
    char nationality[MAX]; 
    char gender[MAX]; 
    Birthday bd; 
    char subjects [MAX]; 

union Student 
    Local  localStudent; 
    Foreigner foreignStudent; 

enum CountryType {S, F}; 

struct UowStudents 
    CountryType ct; 
    Student st; 

int fileToArray (fstream& afile, char fileName [], UowStudents& x); 

int main() 

    fstream afile; 
    UowStudents x [MAX]; 
    char fileName[MAX]; 
    cout << "Enter filename: "; 
    cin >> fileName; 
    int size = fileToArray (afile, fileName, *x); 


int fileToArray (fstream& afile, char fileName [], UowStudents& x) 
    afile.open(fileName, ios::in); 

    if (!afile) 
     cout << fileName << "could not be opened for read" << endl; 
     exit (-1); 
    //file to array. 
    char locale; 
    char dateJunk; 
    afile >> locale; 
    afile.getline(x.st.foreignStudent.nationality, MAX); 
    afile >> x.st.foreignStudent.gender; 
    afile.getline(x.st.foreignStudent.name, MAX); 
    afile >> x.st.foreignStudent.bd.day; 
    afile >> dateJunk; 
    afile >> x.st.foreignStudent.bd.month; 
    afile >> dateJunk; 
    afile >> x.st.foreignStudent.bd.year; 

    //Tests my cstring arrays to see everything is copied in correctly. 
    cout << locale << " " << x.st.foreignStudent.nationality; 
    cout << endl; 
    cout << x.st.foreignStudent.gender; 
    cout << x.st.foreignStudent.name; 
    cout << endl; 
    cout << x.st.foreignStudent.bd.day << " - "; 
    cout << x.st.foreignStudent.bd.month << " - "; 
    cout << x.st.foreignStudent.bd.year; 
    return 0; 





被他們強迫你使用工會的這種方式?對我來說這似乎是一個有爭議的設計 –


是的,標題幾乎是以這種方式預先格式化的。你可以使用 –


來使用STL類,比如'string'嗎?你的問題被標記爲「C++」,所以我假設答案是肯定的,但是在我想到一個你不會被允許使用的解決方案之前詢問是更好的問題 –




int numOfCourses; 
afile >> numOfCourses; 
for (int i = 0; i < numOfCourses; i++) 
    string course; 
    afile >> course; 

    int grades; 
    afile >> grades; 

    // Fill in structure from `course` and `grades`... 

現在,它所做的是將課程名稱和分數考慮在內,然後在另一個循環中將其覆蓋。嗯......我想我需要的是一個2D課程的cstring。我會嘗試以這種方式編寫循環。 –


'int numOfCourses; afile >> numOfCourses; char course [numOfCourses] [MAX]; char等級[numOfCourses] [MAX]; (int i = 0; i > course [i]; afile >>等級[i]; }' 這似乎工作到目前爲止。在程序上,謝謝! –


當然,我只是寫了框架,註釋應該已被替換爲處理創建包含這些數據的新條目的代碼。有很少的時間,所以我希望這將足以發表評論:) –
