delim = '...'
text = '''This is single line.
This is second long line
... continue from previous line.
This third single line.
# here we're building a list containing each line
# we'll clean up the leading and trailing whitespace
# by mapping Python's `str.strip` method onto each
# line
# this gives us:
# ['This is single line.', 'This is second long line',
# '... continue from previous line.', 'This third single line.', '']
cleaned_lines = map(str.strip, text.split('\n'))
# next, we'll join our cleaned string on newlines, so we'll get back
# the original string without excess whitespace
# this gives us:
# This is single line.
# This is second long line
# ... continue from previous line.
# This third single line.
cleaned_str = '\n'.join(cleaned_lines)
# now, we'll split on our delimiter '...'
# this gives us:
# ['This is single line.\nThis is second long line\n',
# ' continue from previous line.\nThis third single line.\n']
split_str = cleaned_str.split(delim)
# lastly, we'll now strip off trailing whitespace (which includes)
# newlines. Then, we'll join our list together on an empty string
new_str = ''.join(map(str.rstrip, split_str))
print new_str
This is single line.
This is second long line continue from previous line.
This third single line.
你是什麼意思*加入行*? 'text.split( '...')'? –
你的意思是「這是第二長線」,並且......從前一行繼續。 '應該是'這是繼續前一行的第二條長線。'? –
@Kevin,是的,我想要相同的輸出。 –