{% for post in paginator.posts %}
<div class="unit whole single-post-excerpt">
<h2><a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a></h2>
<p class="description">{{ post.excerpt | strip_html }}</p>
{% endfor %}
layout: post
title: "The first post that works"
This is the first post that has a working excerpt.
That was the excerpt, and this one won't show up in the list of posts.
These two paragraphs are shown on the post page instead.
layout: post
title: "The second post that does not work"
This is the second post that does not work as intended.
This paragraph gets also added to the excerpt.
As does this one.
爲什麼沒有按」第二篇文章的節選是如何工作的?我錯過了配置中的某些東西嗎?我也嘗試添加更多的帖子,並且只有第一篇文章中的摘錄才能正常工作。隨後的所有帖子都在帖子列表中顯示了所有文本,沒有任何段落格式 - 它只是塞進了一個段落。
問題是,Jekyll不會生成自動首段作爲摘錄。我其實很喜歡「第一段作爲摘錄」的東西,但它並沒有那樣做。我認爲這是我下載的主題中的問題,因爲默認主題不會導致這種奇怪的行爲。 – manabreak