我的筆記本電腦遇到了您的segfault難題,但您的代碼在我強大的桌面計算機上順利運行。您的nelems = 500000
This file was compiled by GCC version 5.4.0 20160609 using the options -cpp -imultiarch x86_64-linux-gnu -D_REENTRANT -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g -fopenmp
module type_Mesh2D
use iso_c_binding, only: &
wp => c_double, &
ip => c_int
! Explicit typing only
implicit none
! Everything is private unless stated otherwise
public :: wp, ip
public :: nelems, Np, Nvar, Nflux
public :: Mesh2D
integer (ip), parameter :: nelems = 500000
integer (ip), parameter :: Np = 16, Nvar = 4, Nflux = 16
type, public :: Mesh2D
real (wp), dimension (:,:), allocatable :: u, uflux, ucommon
end type Mesh2D
interface Mesh2D
module procedure allocate_arrays
module procedure default_allocate_arrays
end interface Mesh2D
pure function allocate_arrays(n, m, k) result (return_value)
! Dummy arguments
integer (ip), intent (in) :: n, m, k
type (Mesh2D) :: return_value
allocate(return_value%u(n, m))
allocate(return_value%uflux(k, m))
allocate(return_value%ucommon(k, m))
end function allocate_arrays
pure function default_allocate_arrays() result (return_value)
! Dummy arguments
type (Mesh2D) :: return_value
return_value = allocate_arrays(Np, nelems, Nflux)
end function default_allocate_arrays
end module type_Mesh2D
program test_example
use iso_fortran_env, only: &
compiler_version, compiler_options
use type_Mesh2D
! Explicit typing only
implicit none
type (Mesh2D) :: mesh
integer (ip) :: i, j, k
! Allocate memory
mesh = Mesh2D()
do j = 1, nelems
do k = 1, Np
mesh%u(k, j) = j + k
end do
end do
print '(4A)', &
'This file was compiled by ', compiler_version(), &
' using the options ', compiler_options()
end program test_example
見http://stackoverflow.com/a/13266595/6382074爲可能/可能的原因。如果我按原樣運行代碼,則會遇到seg故障,但如果首先執行「ulimit -s unlimited」,則運行良好。 –
我什麼也沒得到,但是我的堆棧可能更大。我認爲d_1999是對的。一個簡單的補救措施:使用可分配的數組。或者在所有用戶的計算機上挖掘堆棧大小的變化。我的選擇很明確,可分配。 –
如果鏈接不能解決您的問題,請報告。如有必要,我們可以輕鬆地重新打開這個問題。 –