Collection size 3,511 exceeds maximum size of 1,000.
public class parseCSV{
public Blob contentFile { get; set; }
public String nameFile { get; set; }
public Integer rowCount { get; set; }
public Integer colCount { get; set; }
public List<List<String>> getResults() {
List<List<String>> parsedCSV = new List<List<String>>();
rowCount = 0;
colCount = 0;
if (contentFile != null){
String fileString = contentFile.toString();
parsedCSV = parseCSV(fileString, false);
rowCount = parsedCSV.size();
for (List<String> row : parsedCSV){
if (row.size() > colCount){
colCount = row.size();
return parsedCSV;
public static List<List<String>> parseCSV(String contents,Boolean skipHeaders) {
List<List<String>> allFields = new List<List<String>>();
// replace instances where a double quote begins a field containing a comma
// in this case you get a double quote followed by a doubled double quote
// do this for beginning and end of a field
contents = contents.replaceAll(',"""',',"DBLQT').replaceall('""",','DBLQT",');
// now replace all remaining double quotes - we do this so that we can reconstruct
// fields with commas inside assuming they begin and end with a double quote
contents = contents.replaceAll('""','DBLQT');
// we are not attempting to handle fields with a newline inside of them
// so, split on newline to get the spreadsheet rows
List<String> lines = new List<String>();
try {
lines = contents.split('\n');
catch (System.ListException e) {
System.debug('Limits exceeded?' + e.getMessage());
Integer num = 0;
for(String line : lines) {
// check for blank CSV lines (only commas)
if (line.replaceAll(',','').trim().length() == 0) break;
List<String> fields = line.split(',');
List<String> cleanFields = new List<String>();
String compositeField;
Boolean makeCompositeField = false;
for(String field : fields) {
if (field.startsWith('"') && field.endsWith('"'))
else if (field.startsWith('"')) {
makeCompositeField = true;
compositeField = field;
else if (field.endsWith('"')) {
compositeField += ',' + field;
makeCompositeField = false;
else if (makeCompositeField) {
compositeField += ',' + field;
else {
if (skipHeaders) allFields.remove(0);
return allFields;
您是如何進行測試的? – Red2678
這裏有太多獨立的問題(「我如何解析CSV?」,「我該如何解決這段特殊的代碼?」,「我應該使用VisualForce頁面以外的東西嗎?」,「我該如何解決這個特定的錯誤?「)讓任何人以對未來讀者有用的方式全面回答。 :( –