2012-03-01 34 views

我正在使用Maven 3.0.3。我無法下載依賴項,並得到錯誤,「無法找到org.hibernate:hibernate-dependencies:pom:3.3.2.GA http://mavenrepo.google-api-java-client.googlecode.com/hg已緩存在本地存儲庫中,直到更新間隔纔會重新解析分辨率的谷歌API服務已經過去或更新被迫「。我在Maven中使用「-U」標誌,但無濟於事。這是我得到的錯誤...未能找到org.hibernate:hibernate-dependencies:pom:3.3.2.GA

davea$ mvn clean install -U -Dmaven.test.skip=true 
[INFO] Scanning for projects... 
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
[INFO] Building event-maven 1.0-SNAPSHOT 
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
Downloading: http://mavenrepo.google-api-java-client.googlecode.com/hg/org/hibernate/hibernate-dependencies/3.3.2.GA/hibernate-dependencies-3.3.2.GA.pom 
Downloading: https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/repositories/thirdparty-releases/org/hibernate/hibernate-dependencies/3.3.2.GA/hibernate-dependencies-3.3.2.GA.pom 
Downloading: http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/org/hibernate/hibernate-dependencies/3.3.2.GA/hibernate-dependencies-3.3.2.GA.pom 
[WARNING] The POM for org.hibernate:hibernate-dependencies:pom:3.3.2.GA is missing, no dependency information available 
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
[INFO] Total time: 3.401s 
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Mar 01 14:23:05 CST 2012 
[INFO] Final Memory: 6M/81M 
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project event-maven: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.myco.eventmaven:event-maven:war:1.0-SNAPSHOT: Failure to find org.hibernate:hibernate-dependencies:pom:3.3.2.GA in http://mavenrepo.google-api-java-client.googlecode.com/hg was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of google-api-services has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1] 
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch. 
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging. 
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles: 
[ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/DependencyResolutionException 

我包括我的完整pom.xml,包括存儲庫。任何人都知道我可以如何解決這個錯誤?謝謝, - Dave

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd"> 

<!-- Shared version number properties --> 

     <name>JBoss.org Maven repository</name> 

    <!-- Library for parsing RSS feeds --> 







    <!-- Core utilities used by other modules. Define this if you use Spring 
     Utility APIs (org.springframework.core.*/org.springframework.util.*) --> 

    <!-- Expression Language (depends on spring-core) Define this if you use 
     Spring Expression APIs (org.springframework.expression.*) --> 

    <!-- Bean Factory and JavaBeans utilities (depends on spring-core) Define 
     this if you use Spring Bean APIs (org.springframework.beans.*) --> 

    <!-- Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) Framework (depends on spring-core, 
     spring-beans) Define this if you use Spring AOP APIs (org.springframework.aop.*) --> 

    <!-- Application Context (depends on spring-core, spring-expression, spring-aop, 
     spring-beans) This is the central artifact for Spring's Dependency Injection 
     Container and is generally always defined --> 

    <!-- Various Application Context utilities, including EhCache, JavaMail, 
     Quartz, and Freemarker integration Define this if you need any of these integrations --> 

    <!-- Transaction Management Abstraction (depends on spring-core, spring-beans, 
     spring-aop, spring-context) Define this if you use Spring Transactions or 
     DAO Exception Hierarchy (org.springframework.transaction.*/org.springframework.dao.*) --> 

    <!-- JDBC Data Access Library (depends on spring-core, spring-beans, spring-context, 
     spring-tx) Define this if you use Spring's JdbcTemplate API (org.springframework.jdbc.*) --> 

    <!-- Object-to-Relation-Mapping (ORM) integration with Hibernate, JPA, 
     and iBatis. (depends on spring-core, spring-beans, spring-context, spring-tx) 
     Define this if you need ORM (org.springframework.orm.*) --> 

    <!-- Object-to-XML Mapping (OXM) abstraction and integration with JAXB, 
     JiBX, Castor, XStream, and XML Beans. (depends on spring-core, spring-beans, 
     spring-context) Define this if you need OXM (org.springframework.oxm.*) --> 

    <!-- Web application development utilities applicable to both Servlet and 
     Portlet Environments (depends on spring-core, spring-beans, spring-context) 
     Define this if you use Spring MVC, or wish to use Struts, JSF, or another 
     web framework with Spring (org.springframework.web.*) --> 

    <!-- Spring MVC for Servlet Environments (depends on spring-core, spring-beans, 
     spring-context, spring-web) Define this if you use Spring MVC with a Servlet 
     Container such as Apache Tomcat (org.springframework.web.servlet.*) --> 

    <!-- Spring MVC for Portlet Environments (depends on spring-core, spring-beans, 
     spring-context, spring-web) Define this if you use Spring MVC with a Portlet 
     Container (org.springframework.web.portlet.*) --> 

    <!-- Support for testing Spring applications with tools such as JUnit and 
     TestNG This artifact is generally always defined with a 'test' scope for 
     the integration testing framework and unit testing stubs --> 


     <artifactId>hibernate-dependencies <!--or hibernate-core--></artifactId> 
     <!--hibernate-dependencies is a pom, not needed for hibernate-core --> 







