let date = NSDate()
let timesArray = ["5:45", "6:35", "7:00", "7:30", "7:50", "8:20", "8:40", "9:15", "10:10", "11:10", "12:40", "14:15", "14:50", "15:40", "16:10", "17:10", "17:40", "18:40", "19:25", "20:50"]
// create a method to convert your time to minutes
func stringToMinutes(input:String) -> Int {
let components = input.componentsSeparatedByString(":")
let hour = Int((components.first ?? "0")) ?? 0
let minute = Int((components.last ?? "0")) ?? 0
return hour*60 + minute
//create an array with the minutes from the original array
let timesMinutesArray:[Int] = timesArray.map { stringToMinutes($0) }
let dayMinute = stringToMinutes("15:24")
// filter out the times that has already passed
let filteredTimesArray = timesMinutesArray.filter{$0 > dayMinute }
// get the first time in your array
if let firstTime = filteredTimesArray.first {
// find its position and extract it from the original array
let item = timesArray[timesMinutesArray.indexOf(firstTime)!] // "15:40"
extension String {
var hourMinuteValue: (hour:Int,minute:Int) {
let hour = Int(componentsSeparatedByString(":").first ?? ""),
let minute = Int(componentsSeparatedByString(":").last ?? "")
where componentsSeparatedByString(":").count == 2
else { return (0,0) }
return (hour,minute)
var dayMinute:Int {
return hourMinuteValue.hour*60 + hourMinuteValue.minute
let time = "15:24"
let times = ["5:45", "6:35", "7:00", "7:30", "7:50", "8:20", "8:40", "9:15", "10:10", "11:10", "12:40", "14:15", "14:50", "15:40", "16:10", "17:10", "17:40", "18:40", "19:25", "20:50"]
let minutes = times.map{ $0.dayMinute }
let filteredMinutes = minutes.filter{ $0 > time.dayMinute }
if let firstTime = filteredMinutes.first {
let item = times[minutes.indexOf(firstTime)!] // "15:40"
完美。感謝您的回覆。 – matarali