2016-05-13 75 views


public class Entry<K,V> { 

private final K key; 
private V value; 
private Entry<K,V> next; 

public Entry(K key, V value, Entry<K,V> next) { 
    this.key = key; 
    this.value = value; 
    this.next = next; 

public V getValue() { 
    return value; 

public void setValue(V value) { 
    this.value = value; 

public Entry<K, V> getNext() { 
    return next; 

public void setNext(Entry<K, V> next) { 
    this.next = next; 

public K getKey() { 
    return key; 

public class MyCustomHashMap<K,V> { 

    private int DEFAULT_BUCKET_COUNT = 10; 

    private Entry<K,V>[] buckets; 

    public MyCustomHashMap() { 
     buckets = new Entry[DEFAULT_BUCKET_COUNT]; 
     for (int i = 0;i<DEFAULT_BUCKET_COUNT;i++) 
      buckets[i] = null;  

    public void put(K key,V value){ 

     * This is the new node. 
     Entry<K,V> newEntry = new Entry<K,V>(key, value, null); 

     * If key is null, then null keys always map to hash 0, thus index 0 
     if(key == null){ 
      buckets[0] = newEntry; 

     * get the hashCode of the key. 
     int hash = hash(key); 

     * if the index does of the bucket does not contain any element then assign the node to the index. 
     if(buckets[hash] == null) { 
      buckets[hash] = newEntry; 
     } else { 

      * we need to traverse the list and compare the key with each of the keys till the keys match OR if the keys does not match then we need 
      * to add the node at the end of the linked list. 

      Entry<K,V> previous = null; 
      Entry<K,V> current = buckets[hash]; 

      while(current != null) { 

       boolean done = false; 

       while(!done) { 

        if(current.getKey().equals(key)) { 
         done = true; // if the keys are same then replace the old value with the new value; 
        } else if (current.getNext() == null) { 
         done = true; 
        current = current.getNext(); 
        previous = current; 


    public V getKey(K key) { 

     int hash = hash(key); 

     if(buckets[hash] == null) { 
      return null; 
     } else { 
      Entry<K,V> temp = buckets[hash]; 
      while(temp != null) { 
        return temp.getValue(); // returns value corresponding to key. 
       temp = temp.getNext(); 
      return null; //return null if key is not found. 


    public void display() { 

     for(int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_BUCKET_COUNT; i++) { 

      if(buckets[i] != null) { 
       Entry<K,V> entry = buckets[i]; 

       while(entry != null){ 
        System.out.print("{"+entry.getKey()+"="+entry.getValue()+"}" +" "); 

    public int bucketIndexForKey(K key) { 
     int bucketIndex = key.hashCode() % buckets.length; 
     return bucketIndex; 

     * @param key 
     * @return 
    private int hash(K key){ 
     return Math.abs(key.hashCode()) % buckets.length; 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     // TODO Auto-generated method stub 
     MyCustomHashMap<String, Integer> myCustomHashMap = new MyCustomHashMap<String, Integer>(); 
     myCustomHashMap.put("S", 22); 
     myCustomHashMap.put("S", 1979); 
     myCustomHashMap.put("V", 5); 
     myCustomHashMap.put("R", 31); 

     System.out.println("Value corresponding to key R: "+myCustomHashMap.getKey("R")); 

     System.out.println("Value corresponding to key V: "+myCustomHashMap.getKey("V")); 

     System.out.println("Displaying the contents of the HashMap:: "); 







感謝 希德


'請不要好心validate'等都不是調試服務。你測試過了嗎?它是否按預期工作?如果不是,那麼結果與預期有什麼不同? – Mast


  1. 您沒有正確處理空鍵:

    if(key == null){ 
        buckets[0] = newEntry; 


  • 下面的循環有一些問題:

    Entry<K,V> previous = null; 
        Entry<K,V> current = buckets[hash]; 
        while(current != null) { 
         boolean done = false; 
         while(!done) { 
          if(current.getKey().equals(key)) { 
           done = true; 
          } else if (current.getNext() == null) { 
           done = true; 
          current = current.getNext(); 
          previous = current; // you are not really setting previous to 
               // to the previous Entry in the list - you 
               // are setting it to the current Entry 
        previous.setNext(newEntry); // you don't need this statement. You 
               // already have a statement inside the 
               // loop that adds the new Entry to the list 
  • 它看起來像移除相關previous將修復這個循環任何聲明。





    例如,在Java 7實施HashMap,下面的函數:

    static int hash(int h) { 
        // This function ensures that hashCodes that differ only by 
        // constant multiples at each bit position have a bounded 
        // number of collisions (approximately 8 at default load factor). 
        h ^= (h >>> 20)^(h >>> 12); 
        return h^(h >>> 7)^(h >>> 4); 


    int hash = hash(key.hashCode()); 
    int bucket = hash % buckets.length; 

    這個HashMap也有一個概念上的缺陷。基本上它只適用於非常少量的項目,因爲它不支持調整大小。由於這個原因,它實際上就像大量項目的鏈接列表一樣。 – kolakao


    @kolakao這是真的 – Eran


    @Eran:1)你處理空值不正確:但是它不熟悉HashMap的定義,它說 - 「HashMap允許一個空鍵和任意數量的空值」。另外 - 「如果密鑰爲空,則空鍵總是映射到散列0,因此索引爲0」。請問這個代碼:if(key == null){bucket} [0] = newEntry; }替換已經存在的值?另外我該如何調整hashMap .. plesae指南我沒有太多的想法。 – sid