2011-05-25 15 views

我改變了一些代碼用於獲取所選的郵件附件,以我的硬盤象下面這樣:宏下載選定郵件中的附件 - 關於下載的文件的問題數

Public Sub SaveAttachments() 
Dim objOL As Outlook.Application 
Dim objMsg As Outlook.MailItem 'Object 
Dim objAttachments As Outlook.Attachments 
Dim objSelection As Outlook.Selection 
Dim I As Long 
Dim lngCount As Long 
Dim strFile As String 
Dim strFolderpath As String 
Dim strDeletedFiles As String 
Dim Counter As Long 

strFolderpath = "D:\attachments" 
If (Dir$(strFolderpath, vbDirectory) = "") Then 
    MsgBox "'" & strFolderpath & "' not exist" 
    MkDir strFolderpath 
    MsgBox "'" & strFolderpath & "' we create it" 

    MsgBox "'" & strFolderpath & "' exist" 
End If 

    ' Get the path to your My Documents folder 
    'strFolderpath = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders(16) 
    strFolderpath = strFolderpath & "\" 
    On Error Resume Next 

    ' Instantiate an Outlook Application object. 
    Set objOL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 

    ' Get the collection of selected objects. 
    Set objSelection = objOL.ActiveExplorer.Selection 

' The attachment folder needs to exist 
' You can change this to another folder name of your choice 

    ' Set the Attachment folder. 
    strFolderpath = strFolderpath 

    ' Check each selected item for attachments. 
    Counter = 1 
    For Each objMsg In objSelection 

    Set objAttachments = objMsg.Attachments 
    lngCount = objAttachments.Count 

    If lngCount > 0 Then 

    ' Use a count down loop for removing items 
    ' from a collection. Otherwise, the loop counter gets 
    ' confused and only every other item is removed. 

    For I = lngCount To 1 Step -1 

    ' Get the file name. 
    strFile = objAttachments.Item(I).FileName 

    ' Combine with the path to the Temp folder. 
    strFile = strFolderpath & Counter & "_" & strFile 

    ' Save the attachment as a file. 
    objAttachments.Item(I).SaveAsFile strFile 
    Counter = Counter + 1 
    Next I 
    End If 



Set objAttachments = Nothing 
Set objMsg = Nothing 
Set objSelection = Nothing 
Set objOL = Nothing 
    MsgBox "All Selected Attachments Have Been Downloaded ..." 
End Sub 



但我的問題是當下載完成時,我們並沒有在附件文件夾中的所有需要​​的文件! (只是其中的一部分在那裏)
我有450個在我的收件箱未讀電子郵件,所有的人都依戀/ S ...
但我們只有在附件文件夾200個文件! (由上面的代碼創建)

最後我將非常感激 審查和補充或更正我的代碼


my new code is like below : 
Public Sub SaveAttachments() 
Dim OlApp As Outlook.Application 
Dim Inbox As MAPIFolder 
Dim Item As Object 
Dim ItemAttachments As Outlook.Attachments 
Dim ItemAttachment As Object 
Dim ItemAttCount As Long 
Dim strFolderpath As String 
Dim strFileName As String 
Dim Counter As Long 
Dim ItemsCount As Long 
Dim ItemsAttachmentsCount As Long 

strFolderpath = "d:\attachments" 
If (Dir$(strFolderpath, vbDirectory) = "") Then 
    MsgBox "'" & strFolderpath & "' not exist" 
    MkDir strFolderpath 
    MsgBox "'" & strFolderpath & "' we create it" 

    MsgBox "'" & strFolderpath & "' exist" 
End If 

    ' Get the path to your My Documents folder 
    'strFolderpath = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders(16) 

    strFolderpath = strFolderpath & "\" 

    'On Error Resume Next 

    ' Instantiate an Outlook Application object. 
    Set OlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") 
    Set Inbox = OlApp.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder 

    Counter = 1 
    ItemsCount = 0 
    ItemsAttachmentsCount = 0 

    For Each Item In Inbox.Items 
      ItemsCount = ItemsCount + 1 

      For Each ItemAttachment In Item.Attachments 
       ItemsAttachmentsCount = ItemsAttachmentsCount + 1 

       ' Get the file name. 
       strFileName = ItemAttachment.FileName 

       ' Combine with the path to the Attachments folder. 
       strFileName = strFolderpath & Counter & "_" & strFileName 

       ' Save the attachment as a file. 
       ItemAttachment.SaveAsFile strFileName 

       Counter = Counter + 1 
      Next ItemAttachment 
    Next Item 


Set ItemAttachment = Nothing 
Set ItemAttachments = Nothing 
Set Item = Nothing 
Set Inbox = Nothing 
Set OlApp = Nothing 
MsgBox "All Selected Folder Attachments Have Been Downloaded ..." 
MsgBox "ItemsCount : " & ItemsCount 
MsgBox "ItemsAttachmentsCount : " & ItemsAttachmentsCount 
End Sub 

我收到的所有電子郵件(SELECTED FOLDER FOR UPPER CODE)都是455(5閱讀+ 450未讀) MsgBox「 ItemsCount:「& ItemsCount返回 - > 455 MSGBOX 」總和所有ItemAttCount:「 & ItemsAttachmentsCount返回200或略偏



我打賭你會發現你的錯誤,如果你刪除'On Error Resume Next'語句。你知道這是什麼嗎?你基本上是在告訴VBA:如果出現錯誤,請將我保持在黑暗中,假裝什麼都沒有發生。 – 2011-05-25 08:40:15


@ Jean-FrançoisCorbett:感謝您的評論/ plz再次檢查我的Q /我編輯了它... – MoonLight 2011-05-25 09:26:48


LostLord:這是offtopic,我看到你有另一個問題打開調用:如何取消ListView中的SelectedTemplate(Web服務器控制.net 4)。我遇到了同樣的問題,並找到了解決方案,如果您想知道答案,請重新打開問題併發送評論。親切的問候,Mathias - http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:MRrPZS0RZT4J:stackoverflow.com/questions/5756946/how-cancel-selectedtemplate-in-listviewweb-server-control-in-net-4 + selectitemtemplate + listview + return&cd = 17&hl = en&ct = clnk&client = firefox -a&source = www.google.com – 2011-05-27 10:25:07





Set objSelection = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection 
Debug.Print objSelection.Count 



嘗試Debug.Print Item.Attachments.CountFor Each Item...循環的開始處。附件計數有時爲零?哪些消息是零?


For Each Item In Inbox.Items 
    ' Open the mail item 

    ' Your code to save the attachments goes here. 

    ' Close the mail item 
    Item.Close olDiscard 
Next Item 

親愛的@ Jean-FrançoisCorbett:謝謝你的回答/ plz再次檢查我的Q /我編輯了它... – MoonLight 2011-05-25 09:27:31


對於哪些消息它是零嗎? - >對於那些還沒有被閱讀/看起來只有上層代碼可以訪問,閱讀消息附件和其他消息附件是零/我認爲通過閱讀消息展望現金它和它的附件/ s和上層代碼需要兌現工作......我如何通過代碼強制展望這個兌現工作? – MoonLight 2011-05-25 13:56:06


親愛的@ Jean-FrançoisCorbett - > plz看到上面的評論/我編輯了它/最後我忘了告訴你,我使用的收件箱文件夾不是默認的前景/我有很多IMAP帳戶,並且收件人是他們之一[不OUTLOOK默認的收件箱文件夾] – MoonLight 2011-05-25 14:25:17