2010-07-23 74 views

想編寫一個程序來實現一個詞的字典使用嘗試數據結構試圖實現數據結構.........應用程序 - 詞典



所以,基本的想法是,在小例子的幫助下如何存儲字典,請讓我知道Tries數據結構的結構。 。



壓縮嘗試次數。這是給我正確的壓縮特里,如預期,,,,但也有一些問題吧。 ...並且想討論那個......


2)在trie_new()中,我用過t-> substr =(char *)malloc(10 ); ,,,,,,這看起來效率不高,因爲需要分配內存。我們可以改進嗎?

typedef struct trie 
    int on; 
    char *substr; 
    struct trie *first_child; 
    struct trie *next_sibling; 

trie* trie_new() 
    trie *t = (trie*)malloc(sizeof(trie)); 
    t->substr = (char*)malloc(10); 
    t->on = 0; 
    t->substr[0] = '\0'; 
    t->first_child = NULL; 
    t->next_sibling = NULL; 

    return t; 

trie* trie_at_level(trie *t, char c) 
    while(t != NULL) 
     if(t->substr[0] == c) 
     return t; 
     t = t->next_sibling; 
    return NULL; 

void trie_add(trie *t, const char *str) 
    const int n = strlen(str); 
    int i; 

    for(i=0; i<n; i++) 
     const char c = str[i]; 
     trie* parent = t; 

     t = t->first_child; 
     t = trie_at_level(t,c); 
     if(t == NULL) 
     t = trie_new(); 
     t->substr[0] = c; 
     t->substr[1] = '\0'; 
     t->next_sibling = parent->first_child; 
     parent->first_child = t; 
    t->on = 1; 

int trie_lookup(trie *t, const char *str) 
    const int n = strlen(str); 
    int i; 

    for(i=0; i<n; i++) 
     const char c = str[i]; 
     t = t->first_child; 
     t = trie_at_level(t,c); 
     if(t == NULL) 
     return 0; 
    return t->on; 

void trie_compress(trie *t) 
    trie* parent = t; 
    t = t->first_child; 

    if(t->first_child != NULL) 

    if(t->next_sibling == NULL) 
     parent->substr = strcat(parent->substr,t->substr); 
     parent->first_child = t->first_child; 
     parent->on = t->first_child->on; 


你可能有一個答案有人開始給你昨天:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3306279/tries-and-suffix-trees-implementation/3307833#3307833 – 2010-07-23 23:54:56





#include <string.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 

typedef struct trie { 
    int value; 
    char* key; 
    struct trie* kids; 
    struct trie* next; 
} trie; 

/* Creates an empty trie. 
trie* trie_new() { 
    trie* t = (trie*) malloc (sizeof (trie)); 
    t->value = 0; 
    t->key = NULL; 
    t->kids = NULL; 
    t->next = NULL; 
    return t; 

/* Sets |t->key| to |key|. 
static void trie_set_key (trie* t, const char* key) { 
    char* key_copy = (char*) malloc (sizeof (char) * (strlen (key) + 1)); 
    strcpy (key_copy, key); 
    free (t->key); 
    t->key = key_copy; 

/* Creates a trie with |->key| set to |key| whose |->value| is on. 
static trie* trie_new_init (const char* key) { 
    trie* t = trie_new(); 
    t->value = 1; 
    trie_set_key (t, key); 
    return t; 

/* Frees all memory used by the trie |t|. 
void trie_delete (trie* t) { 
    if (t == NULL) { 
    trie_delete (t->kids); 
    trie_delete (t->next); 
    free (t->key); 
    free (t); 

typedef struct trie_str_pair { 
    trie* trie; 
    const char* str; 
} trie_str_pair; 

/* Creates a trie_str_pair with the values |->trie| and |->str| set to 
* |t| and |str|, respectively. 
static trie_str_pair mk_trie_str_pair (trie* t, const char* str) { 
    trie_str_pair pair; 
    pair.trie = t; 
    pair.str = str; 
    return pair; 

/* Tries to find a sibling of |t| or |t| itself that matches the input 
* choice function |choiceFunc|. A match occurs if |choiceFunc| returns 
* a string other than NULL. Upon a match, the matching trie and the string 
* are returned. Otherwise NULL values are returned in the pair struct. 
static trie_str_pair lookup_by (
     const char* (*choiceFunc)(const char*, trie*) 
    , const char* key, trie* t 
) { 
    while (t != NULL) { 
    const char* str = choiceFunc (key, t); 
    if (str != NULL) { 
     return mk_trie_str_pair (t, str); 
    t = t->next; 
    return mk_trie_str_pair (NULL, NULL); 

/* If |prefix| is a prefix of |str|, returns a pointer into |str| immediately 
* after the prefix. 
static const char* strip_prefix (const char* prefix, const char* str) { 
    int i; 
    for (i = 0; prefix [i] != '\0'; ++i) { 
    if (str [i] != prefix [i]) { 
     return NULL; 
    return str + i; 

/* If |t->key| is a prefix of |str|, returns a pointer into |str| immediately 
* after the prefix. 
static const char* strip_prefix_with_key (const char* str, trie* t) { 
    return strip_prefix (t->key, str); 

/* If |str| is a prefix of |t->key|, returns a pointer into |t->key| 
* immediately after the prefix. 
static const char* strip_prefix_from_key (const char* str, trie* t) { 
    return strip_prefix (str, t->key); 

/* Returns a pointer into |str1| immediately after the longest common prefix 
* between |str1| and |str2|. 
static const char* strip_common_prefix (const char* str1, const char* str2) { 
    int i; 
    for (i = 0; str1 [i] != '\0' && str2 [i] != '\0'; ++i) { 
    if (str1 [i] != str2 [i]) { 
    if (i == 0) { 
    return NULL; 
    return str1 + i; 

/* Returns a pointer into |str| past the longest common prefix between 
* |str| and |t->str|. 
static const char* strip_common_prefix_on_key (const char* str, trie* t) { 
    return strip_common_prefix (str, t->key); 

/* Returns 1 if |key| is in the trie |t|. Returns 0 if not. 
int trie_lookup (trie* t, const char* key) { 
    while (key != NULL && key [0] != '\0') { 
    trie_str_pair pair = lookup_by (strip_prefix_with_key, key, t->kids); 
    t = pair.trie; 
    if (t == NULL) { 
     return 0; 
    key = pair.str; 
    return t->value; 

/* Adds |kid| to |t|'s list of kids. 
static void trie_add_kid (trie* t, trie* kid) { 
    kid->next = t->kids; 
    t->kids = kid; 

/* Removes |kid| from |t|'s list of kids. 
* |kid| must be in |t|'s list of kids. 
static void trie_remove_kid (trie* t, trie* kid) { 
    if (t->kids == kid) { 
    t->kids = kid->next; 
    else { 
    t = t->kids; 
    while (t->next != kid) { 
     t = t->next; 
    t->next = kid->next; 

/* Replaces |kid| from |t|'s list of kids with |new_kid|. 
* |kid| must be in |t|'s list of kids. 
static void trie_replace_kid (trie* t, trie* kid, trie* new_kid) { 
    trie_remove_kid (t, kid); 
    trie_add_kid (t, new_kid); 

/* If |t| has exactly one kid and no grandkids, |t| and its kid are merged 
* into one trie node. In other words, |t|'s kid's |->key| is appended to 
* |t->key| and |t->value| becomes that of its kid's |->value|. 
static void trie_try_merge_with_kids (trie* t) { 
    if (t->key != NULL) { 
    trie* kid = t->kids; 
    if (kid != NULL && kid->next == NULL) { 
     t->value = kid->value; 
     t->kids = kid->kids; 
     int new_len = strlen (t->key) + strlen (kid->key); 
     t->key = realloc (t->key, sizeof (char) * (new_len + 1)); 
     strcat (t->key, kid->key); 
     free (kid->key); 
     free (kid); 

/* Helper for trie_insert. 
static void trie_insert_split_key (
     trie* t 
    , const char* key_prefix, const char* key_suffix 
) { 
    trie* kid = trie_new_init (key_suffix); 
    trie_add_kid (t, kid); 
    trie_set_key (t, key_prefix); 

/* Helper for trie_insert. 
static void trie_insert_simple (trie* t, const char* key) { 
    trie* kid = trie_new_init (key); 
    trie_add_kid (t, kid); 

/* Helper for trie_insert. 
static void trie_insert_fork (
     trie* t 
    , trie* kid 
    , char* key_prefix /* Caller loses ownership of this string */ 
    , const char* key_suffix 
    , const char* kid_key_suffix 
) { 
    trie* fork_kid = trie_new(); 
    fork_kid->key = key_prefix; 
    fork_kid->kids = trie_new_init (key_suffix); 
    fork_kid->kids->next = kid; 
    trie_replace_kid (t, kid, fork_kid); 
    fork_kid->next = kid->next; 
    kid->next = NULL; 
    trie_set_key (kid, kid_key_suffix); 

/* Inserts |key| into the trie |t|. 
void trie_insert (trie* t, const char* key) { 
    if (key [0] == '\0') { 
    while (1) { 
    trie_str_pair pair = lookup_by (strip_prefix_with_key, key, t->kids); 
    trie* kid = pair.trie; 
    const char* stripped = pair.str; 
    if (kid != NULL) { 
     if (stripped [0] == '\0') { 
     kid->value = 1; 
     t = kid; 
     key = stripped; 
    pair = lookup_by (strip_prefix_from_key, key, t->kids); 
    kid = pair.trie; 
    stripped = pair.str; 
    if (kid != NULL) { 
     trie_insert_split_key (kid, key, stripped); 
    pair = lookup_by (strip_common_prefix_on_key, key, t->kids); 
    kid = pair.trie; 
    stripped = pair.str; 
    if (kid == NULL) { 
     trie_insert_simple (t, key); 
    int prefix_len = stripped - key; 
    char* common_prefix = (char*) malloc (sizeof (char) * (prefix_len + 1)); 
    strncpy (common_prefix, key, prefix_len); 
    common_prefix [prefix_len] = '\0'; 
    trie_insert_fork (t, kid, common_prefix, stripped, kid->key + prefix_len); 

/* Helper for trie_remove. 
static void trie_remove_simple (trie* t, trie* kid) { 
    trie_remove_kid (t, kid); 
    free (kid->key); 
    free (kid); 

/* Helper for trie_remove. 
static void trie_remove_merge (trie* t) { 
    t->value = 0; 
    trie_try_merge_with_kids (t); 

/* Removes |key| from the trie |t|. 
void trie_remove (trie* t, const char* key) { 
    trie_str_pair pair = lookup_by (strip_prefix_with_key, key, t->kids); 
    trie* kid = pair.trie; 
    const char* stripped = pair.str; 
    if (kid == NULL) { 
    if (stripped [0] == '\0') { 
    if (kid->kids == NULL) { 
     trie_remove_simple (t, kid); 
    else { 
     trie_remove_merge (kid); 
    else { 
    trie_remove (kid, stripped); 
    trie_try_merge_with_kids (t); 

如何從這個實現中刪除一個單詞......另外,如果可能,如果我想爲Compressed Tries編寫結構....請讓我知道你的想法....只有壓縮結構試試..... – AGeek 2010-07-24 12:01:43


添加了刪除功能。雖然我不會寫一個壓縮函數。 – 2010-07-24 18:02:52


謝謝您先生....ü是如此有幫助.....ü代碼只是給了我一個很好的洞察到試驗和相關結構....因爲我正在單獨工作,所以有點有用..謝謝.. .. 此外,現在我工作的代碼,這給了我一個壓縮Trie。文章http://www.heppenstall.ca/academics/doc/242/F2001Archives/Ch11_3_tries.pdf 現在,我所遵循的想法是讓我們先建立一個簡單的trie,然後再trie來壓縮trie。代碼中附加的問題.... – AGeek 2010-07-25 02:47:23