用戶輸入一個數不大於99且小於1 000 000
如號碼: 112233 = 6位數字和3個不同的數字
int getDiff(int CLP, int Num)
int counter = 0, i = 0, j = 0;
for (int x = CLP, i = 0; x >= 1; x /= 10, i++) {
PlateNumberArray[i] = x % 10;
cout << endl
<< "Test===>" << PlateNumberArray[i] << endl;
} // end of "x = CLP" for loop
while (i < Num) {
j = 0;
while (j <= Num) {
if (PlateNumberArray[i] == PlateNumberArray[j])
} //end of while(j <= i)
} //end of while(i < Num)
for (int i = 0; i < Num; i++)
counter += NumberCounter[i];
return counter;
Headers and namespace
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
Prototypes list
int getNum(int); //This function checks how many digits there are in a plate number
int getDiff(int, int); //This function checks how many different numbers are there in the plate number
Global variables list
int PlateNumberArray[6];
int NumberCounter[6];
main Function
int main()
//Declaring variables
int CLP;
//End of Vriables Declration
cout << endl
<< "=============================" << endl;
cout << "Enter your vehicle's plate number" << endl;
do {
cin >> CLP;
if (CLP >= 1000000)
cout << "Plate number can be no longer than 6 digits, please re-enter" << endl;
else if (CLP < 100 && CLP >= 0)
cout << "Plate number can not be less than 3 digits, please re-eneter" << endl;
else if (CLP < 0)
cout << "Plate number can not be a negative, please re-eneter" << endl;
} while (CLP >= 1000000 || CLP < 100);
int Num = getNum(CLP);
cout << getDiff(CLP, Num);
return 0;
getNum Function
int getNum(int CLP)
//Declaring variables
int Num;
//End of Vriables Declration
if (CLP > 99999)
Num = 6;
else if (CLP > 9999)
Num = 5;
else if (CLP > 999)
Num = 4;
else if (CLP > 99)
Num = 3;
return Num;
getDiff Function
int getDiff(int CLP, int Num)
int counter = 0, i = 0, j = 0;
for (int x = CLP, i = 0; x >= 1; x /= 10, i++) {
PlateNumberArray[i] = x % 10;
cout << endl
<< "Test===>" << PlateNumberArray[i] << endl;
} // end of "x = CLP" for loop
while (i < Num) {
j = 0;
while (j <= Num) {
if (PlateNumberArray[i] == PlateNumberArray[j])
} //end of while(j <= i)
} //end of while(i < Num)
for (int i = 0; i < Num; i++)
counter += NumberCounter[i];
return counter;
你有一些UB當j == 6如果(PlateNumberArray [i] == PlateNumberArray [j])'有效索引是0 .. 5. – drescherjm