我有一個PowerShell 2.0腳本,用於在Windows主機環境中使用vmrun克隆目標vmware工作站guest虛擬機。 克隆虛擬機的代碼正確執行。使用PowerShell自動化vmrun
我現在試圖擴展此腳本以自動執行更多的過程,例如,檢查虛擬機是否正在運行,如果運行虛擬機vmrun list
,並停止虛擬機vmrun stop [pathToVMXfile]
隨着Windows命令提示,當我運行vmrun list
d:\ [路徑] \ [名稱] .VMX
E:\ [路徑] \ [名稱] .vmx
$vmwareRun = "C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\vmrun.exe"
#Original test, also tried with single quotes and no quotes,
#also tried quoting the -filePath
Start-Process $vmwareRun -ArgumentList "list"
#This gives a handle to the process but no return value
$myProcess = Start-Process $vmwareRun -ArgumentList "list" -PassThru
#$t is empty
Start-Process $vmwareRun -ArgumentList "list" -OutVariable $t
#$t is empty, clone command requires the -T ws parameters
Start-Process $vmwareRun -ArgumentList "-T ws list" -OutVariable $t
#RedirectStandardOutput creates a file with the expected output, $t is empty
Start-Process -FilePath "$vmwareRun" -ArgumentList $argList -OutVariable $t -RedirectStandardError "C:\testError.log" -RedirectStandardOutput C:\testOut.log"
無論我嘗試什麼,我都沒有得到任何輸出。我錯過了什麼? 注意:Vmrun命令行文檔在這裏找到:「https://www.vmware.com/support/developer/vix-api/vix112_vmrun_command.pdf」
如果使用(在PowerShell提示符下,在vmrun目錄中):'。\ vmrun.exe /?'或'。\ vmrun.exe --help'是列出的參數選項? – Jelphy
我可以從cmd提示。我無法從Powershell驗證,因爲cmd窗口很快顯示並消失 –