2016-07-04 195 views


class product_category(models.Model): 
      _inherit = "product.category" 
      is_checked = fields.Boolean('Don', help="Check this box if this contact make Donation.") 
      resRelId = fields.Many2one('res.partner') 

class res_partner(models.Model): 
     _inherit = "res.partner" 
     categs = fields.One2many('product.category','resRelId',String='Halo') 
    def create(self, values): 
     categs = self.env['product.category'].search([]) 
     new_id = super(res_partner, self).create(values) 
     for i in categs: 
      new_id.write({'categs': i}) 
     return new_id 


2016-07-04 17:54:46,777 17751 WARNING v8dev openerp.models: Comparing apples and oranges: product.category(1,) == 1 (/home/odoo/odoo-dev/odoo/openerp/osv/fields.py:800) 
2016-07-04 17:54:46,777 17751 WARNING v8dev openerp.models: Comparing apples and oranges: product.category(1,) == 2 (/home/odoo/odoo-dev/odoo/openerp/osv/fields.py:802) 
2016-07-04 17:54:46,777 17751 WARNING v8dev openerp.models: Comparing apples and oranges: product.category(1,) == 3 (/home/odoo/odoo-dev/odoo/openerp/osv/fields.py:804) 
2016-07-04 17:54:46,777 17751 WARNING v8dev openerp.models: Comparing apples and oranges: product.category(1,) == 4 (/home/odoo/odoo-dev/odoo/openerp/osv/fields.py:812) 
2016-07-04 17:54:46,777 17751 WARNING v8dev openerp.models: Comparing apples and oranges: product.category(1,) == 5 (/home/odoo/odoo-dev/odoo/openerp/osv/fields.py:818) 
2016-07-04 17:54:46,778 17751 WARNING v8dev openerp.models: Comparing apples and oranges: product.category(1,) == 6 (/home/odoo/odoo-dev/odoo/openerp/osv/fields.py:831) 
2016-07-04 17:54:46,778 17751 WARNING v8dev openerp.models: Comparing apples and oranges: product.category(3,) == 1 (/home/odoo/odoo-dev/odoo/openerp/osv/fields.py:800) 
2016-07-04 17:54:46,778 17751 WARNING v8dev openerp.models: Comparing apples and oranges: product.category(3,) == 2 (/home/odoo/odoo-dev/odoo/openerp/osv/fields.py:802) 
2016-07-04 17:54:46,778 17751 WARNING v8dev openerp.models: Comparing apples and oranges: product.category(3,) == 3 (/home/odoo/odoo-dev/odoo/openerp/osv/fields.py:804) 
2016-07-04 17:54:46,778 17751 WARNING v8dev openerp.models: Comparing apples and oranges: product.category(3,) == 4 (/home/odoo/odoo-dev/odoo/openerp/osv/fields.py:812) 
2016-07-04 17:54:46,778 17751 WARNING v8dev openerp.models: Comparing apples and oranges: product.category(3,) == 5 (/home/odoo/odoo-dev/odoo/openerp/osv/fields.py:818) 
2016-07-04 17:54:46,778 17751 WARNING v8dev openerp.models: Comparing apples and oranges: product.category(3,) == 6 (/home/odoo/odoo- 





(0, 0, { values }) link to a new record that needs to be created with the given values dictionary 
(1, ID, { values }) update the linked record with id = ID (write *values* on it) 
(2, ID)    remove and delete the linked record with id = ID (calls unlink on ID, that will delete the object completely, and the link to it as well) 
(3, ID)    cut the link to the linked record with id = ID (delete the relationship between the two objects but does not delete the target object itself) 
(4, ID)    link to existing record with id = ID (adds a relationship) 
(5)     unlink all (like using (3,ID) for all linked records) 
(6, 0, [IDs])   replace the list of linked IDs (like using (5) then (4,ID) for each ID in the list of IDs) 


def create(self, values): 
    categs = self.env['product.category'].search([]) 
    new_id = super(res_partner, self).create(values) 
    for i in categs: 
     new_id.write({'categs': (4,i.id)}) 
    return new_id 

我有'TypeError:'int'對象沒有屬性'__getitem __''。而且,我認爲我不能使用(4,ID)。 從Odoo 8文檔: (4,id,_)將id id的現有記錄添加到集合中。 One2many無法使用。 –



def create(self, values): 
    ## Here categ is a list containing category ids. 
    categs = self.env['product.category'].search([]).ids 
    values.update({'categs':[(6, 0, categs or [])]}) 
    return super(res_partner, self).create(values) 

同樣的事情,我有TypeError:'int'對象沒有屬性'__getitem __'。我不能使用(6,ID)。從Odoo 8文檔:(6,_,ids)用id列表替換集合中的所有現有記錄,相當於使用命令5,然後在id中爲每個id命令4。 One2many無法使用。 –


你在你的代碼中實現了什麼,請告訴我們。 –


我已更新答案,請嘗試此操作。值應該是元組列表,例如[(6,0,categs)] –