我在Windows 7 64位機器上使用python 2.7(32位)。我正在使用win32 Api來自動化一些Windows任務,我也是python和win32 api的新手。我看到類似的問題,但沒有在python中,我無法理解代碼,可悲的是我在這裏是新手,所以我不能評論和提問,因爲我的代表不到50歲,所以我不得不提出自己的問題。從彈出菜單中選擇項win32 api Python
# retrieves a handle to the notification area toolbar
tb = getNotificationAreaToolbar()
# clicks on an icon in the system tray say I'm right clicking the sound icon
#(in my case AMD HDMI Output)
clickSystemTrayIcon('right', 'AMD HDMI Output', tb)
#now the context popup menu comes up.
# According to MSDN the class name for such menu is #32768
hPopupmenu = win32gui.FindWindow("#32768", "")
# An example of a try to access the menu items
# Getting the count: this is returning -1 saying the handle is not a menu handle
count = win32gui.GetMenuItemCount(hPopupMenu)
#send a command, doesn't do anything
win32gui.PostMessage(tb, win32con.WM_COMMAND, win32gui.GetMenuItemId(hPopupmenu,1) , 0)
# the thing that makes me sure that I'm getting the right window of the popup is
# win32gui.GetWindowRect(hPopmenu) it's returning the right position of the menu
謝謝manuell我很欣賞你總是幫我在這裏。如果我使用FindWindow,然後調用MN_GETHMENU,那麼你的解決方案就可以工作,我得到我想要的彈出式菜單的句柄。至於窗口rect工作正常,在我的實際代碼中,我確實在兩者之間調用睡眠。再次,我對這些東西仍然很陌生,有時候我沒有找到足夠的文檔,但我確實學到了很多東西!也很高興我的代表正在上升,所以我可以評價答案,並在這裏做更多的東西,再次感謝! :) – TheCodingGent
@yasman感謝你,你不客氣。 – manuell