2016-07-13 24 views

我有這個腳本應該逐行寫入文本文件,並且如果每行中有一個URL,它應該在Safari的單獨標籤中打開它 沒有URL有效性的部分檢查工作,但它不劑量時,我使用CURL,請任何幫助嗎?在Applescript中測試URL的有效性不起作用

set myDelay to 0.2 
set errorLog to {} 
set urlText to read POSIX file "/USERS/KAMEL/transfer.txt" as «class utf8» 
set urlList to paragraphs of urlText 
repeat with aUrl in urlList 
set aUrl to contents of aUrl 
    if aUrl ≠ "" then 
     do shell script "curl " & aUrl 
      tell application "Safari" to open location aUrl 
      -- open location aUrl 
      delay myDelay 
      on error 
      set end of errorLog to aUrl 
     exit repeat 
    end try 
    end if 
end repeat 





set urlText to read file ((path to home folder as text) & "transfer.txt") as «class utf8» 
set urlList to paragraphs of urlText 
set errorLog to {} 
tell application "Safari" to if (count documents) is 0 then make new document 
repeat with aUrl in urlList 
    set theScript to "curl -o /dev/null -s -I -w '%{http_code}' " & aUrl 
     set theStatus to (do shell script theScript) as integer 
     if theStatus < 400 then 
      tell application "Safari" 
       tell window 1 to make new tab with properties {URL:aUrl} 
      end tell 
     end if 
    on error e 
     set end of errorLog to (e & space & aUrl) 
    end try 
end repeat