2014-03-19 36 views

如何在access vba編輯器中設置表單以便在寫入命令後才能讀取它?我已經輸入了下面的代碼。評論部分強調了我認爲代碼可能會去的地方。如何將打開的表單設置爲只讀訪問vba?

Option Compare Database 

Private Sub Command10_Click() 

Dim DBS As Database 

Dim rstUserPwd As Recordset 

Dim bFoundMatch As Boolean 

Dim txtUsername As String 

Dim txtPassword As String 

Dim FRM As Form 

Set DBS = CurrentDb 

Set rstUserPwd = DBS.OpenRecordset("qryUserPwd") 

bFoundMatch = False 

If rstUserPwd.RecordCount > 0 Then 


Do While rstUserPwd.EOF = False 

If rstUserPwd![Username] = Form_frmLogin.txtUsername.Value And rstUserPwd![Password] = Form_frmLogin.txtPassword.Value Then 

bFoundMatch = True 

Exit Do 

End If 



End If 

If bFoundMatch = True Then GoTo G1 

On Error GoTo G2 

G1: If rstUserPwd![Username] = "wsmith" Then 

MsgBox "Access Granted" 

DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name 

DoCmd.OpenForm "AmalgamatedForm" 

DoCmd.OpenForm "AgeUKRequirementsForm" 

DoCmd.OpenForm "CiberRequirementsForm" 

DoCmd.OpenForm "Blackbaud_ITT_ResponseForm" 

DoCmd.OpenForm "Ciber_ITT_ResponseForm" 

DoCmd.OpenForm "ThankQ_ITT_ResponseForm" 

ElseIf rstUserPwd![Username] = "admin" Then 

MsgBox "Access Granted" 

DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name 

DoCmd.OpenForm "AmalgamatedForm" 

DoCmd.OpenForm "AgeUKRequirementsForm" 

DoCmd.OpenForm "CiberRequirementsForm" 

DoCmd.OpenForm "Blackbaud_ITT_ResponseForm" 

DoCmd.OpenForm "Ciber_ITT_ResponseForm" 

DoCmd.OpenForm "ThankQ_ITT_ResponseForm" 

ElseIf rstUserPwd![Username] = "ageuk" Then 

MsgBox "Access Granted" 

DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name 

DoCmd.OpenForm "AmalgamatedForm" 

'how do i set the form in row above to read only here until exit database 

DoCmd.OpenForm "AgeUKRequirementsForm" 

'how do i set the form in row above to read only here until exit database 

DoCmd.OpenForm "CiberRequirementsForm" 

'how do i set the form in row above to read only here until exit database 

DoCmd.OpenForm "Blackbaud_ITT_ResponseForm" 

'how do i set the form in row above to read only here until exit database 

DoCmd.OpenForm "Ciber_ITT_ResponseForm" 

'how do i set the form in row above to read only here until exit database 

DoCmd.OpenForm "ThankQ_ITT_ResponseForm" 

'how do i set the form in row above to read only here until exit database 

ElseIf rstUserPwd![Username] = "ciber" Then 

MsgBox "Access Granted" 

DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name 

DoCmd.OpenForm "AmalgamatedForm" 

'how do i set the form in row above to read only here until exit database 

DoCmd.OpenForm "AgeUKRequirementsForm" 

'how do i set the form in row above to read only here until exit database 

DoCmd.OpenForm "CiberRequirementsForm" 

'how do i set the form in row above to read only here until exit database 

DoCmd.OpenForm "Ciber_ITT_ResponseForm" 

'how do i set the form in row above to read only here until exit database 


G2: MsgBox "Incorrect username or password" 

End If 

End Sub 




DoCmd.OpenForm "Ciber_ITT_ResponseForm", DataMode:=acFormReadOnly 

謝謝。它工作得很好。豎起大拇指! – user3432631
